About » Schedule


Begins at 7:55 AM 
Official School hours will be: for Kindergarten-5th Grade
8:00 AM-2:20 PM 
3-K- Arrival is 8:05 AM, Dismissal 2:25 PM
Pre-Kindergarten-Arrival is 7:45 am, Dismissal is 2:05 PM 
All walkers in Grades 1- 5, will enter the building and go directly to their assigned holding areas. The doors will remain open until 8:05 to accommodate any student who may be running late. Students who come in through the Main Entrance will receive late passes. If you know your child will be late for school, please send in note or accompany your child into the school building through the Main Entrance.
Kindergarten students will enter the building using Exit 6 on Barlow  Avenue (Kindergarten playground) and go directly to their classrooms. 
All latecomers must enter the building through the Barlow Avenue Main Entrance and obtain a late pass from the security guard.
PreK students will enter through the classroom doors on Elverton Ave. near Barlow Avenue in the Kindergarten playground.  The doors will be labeled with the class numbers. 
When dropping your child off for school please be aware that:
The School Safety Agent is positioned on Elverton Ave. by Exit 4/5. 
School personnel will be on the sidewalks by the entrance to the back of the school /school yard and at all entrances to the building where children enter the school.
Breakfast begins at 8:00am for all grades in the classroom.
All bus children will enter the building through the Elverton Avenue doors. An Assistant Principal with additional adult supervision is provided outside, as the children are disembarking the bus and as they move inside to the holding areas. 

All latecomers must enter the building through the Barlow Avenue main entrance and obtain a late pass from the security guard.  A pattern of lateness will be addressed by the administration.  If you know your child will be late, please send them with a note so we know you are aware of this lateness.


3-K-125 & 3-K-143
Exit 4/5 Next to playground on (Elverton Ave.)    2:25 pm
Pre-K-144 & Pre-K 146
Outside Individual Classroom Door (Elverton Avenue)    2:05 pm
Pre-K 145  Exit 6 (Barlow Ave)   2:05 pm
K-140 & K-142 Outside Individual Classroom Doors (Elverton Avenue)    2:15 pm
K-141 Exit through classroom door labeled 144     2:15 pm
Exit through classroom door labeled 146    2:15 pm
1-242 Main Entrance    2:15 pm
1-243 Main Entrance    2:17 pm
1-245  Exit 6 (Barlow Ave)   2:15 pm
1-246 Exit 6 (Barlow Ave)   2:17 pm
2-203 Main Entrance   2:12 pm
2-204 Main Entrance   2:13 pm
2-207 Main Entrance   2:15 pm
2-211 Main Entrance   2:17 pm 
K/1/2-209 Main Entrance   2:19 pm
3-210  Exit 2/3 (Stieg Ave)  2:15 pm
3-309 Exit 2/3 (Stieg Ave)  2:18 pm
3-317 Exit 2/3 (Stieg Ave)  2:20 pm
4-311  Gym Doors  2:15 pm
4-319 Gym Doors  2:20 pm
4-344 Gym Doors  2:18 pm
2/3-340 Exit 2/3 (Stieg Ave)  2:17 pm
5-342 Exit 1(Bottom of the stairs) 2:14  
5-343 Exit 1(Bottom of the stairs) 2:16
5-345 Exit 1(Bottom of the stairs) 2:18
5-346 Exit 1(Bottom of the stairs) 2:20
4/5-341 Exit 1(Bottom of the stairs) 2:12
Children will be met outside of the school building. Parents may not come into the lobby to pick up their children. If you have a last minute emergency situation and your child needs to be picked up early, please report to the general office so an arrangement can be made prior to dismissal.
Your cooperation is gratefully appreciated.
Once again, for the safety of your children the following routines will be enforced:
Bus Children
Bus service begins the first day of school. Please use bus service as soon as possible. We need to know the number of children who will be using bus service. For safety purposes, it is not recommended that children switch from bus to walker for a day. As a safety precaution, in the event that there is a change in your child's bus routine, you must notify the school in writing. In addition, you may not pick up another child without written permission from his/her parent. Students are not permitted to take a different bus from the one they are assigned. 
Children are eligible for the bus, if they meet the following requirements: 
Grades K-2 are entitled to bus if they live ½ mile or more from the school.
Grades 3-5-must live over one mile from the school or have a medical variance (obtained from the Office of Pupil Transportation and filled out by the child's doctor).  
Bus children will be dismissed from the gym exit and board their bus on Elverton Avenue.
Cautions: Children are not to be dropped off between cars or buses. Parents should not double park, pass a school bus with flashing red lights, or park in bus stop areas. Please use the crosswalks. 
The school works in partnership with the 122nd Precinct in enforcing traffic safety laws. To protect our children, no one is permitted to return to the building to retrieve forgotten items after dismissal. Parents may write a note to the teacher explaining the dilemma. We appreciate your cooperation in abiding by these most important safety rules established for the welfare of your children.  
For the safety of the children we ask to follow the Parking/No Parking rules on Elverton and Stieg Avenue (signs posted by the Police Department). Please remain outside the building. Allow room at each exit so all designated classes can leave the building in a safe and orderly manner. Teachers will escort the pupils outside the building. Discuss with your child the importance of safety and any special arrangements you will have to meet them. Please avoid using Elverton Avenue during arrival and dismissal as the buses are dropping off students. The buses must have clear access in order for the children to arrive safely and on time.  
Please do not have pets or lit cigarettes around the perimeter of the school.
CROSS ONLY AT CORNERS: Observance of this rule eliminates the dangerous practice of jay walking.? If the intersection is controlled, drivers look for and expect walkers to cross only at the corner and with the traffic light. 
WATCH FOR TURNING CARS: This guards against children walking into the side of cars as they turn corners. Too many children are injured when they forget they must be extra alert at corners.  
KEEP FROM BETWEEN PARKED CARS: This rule is probably the most often violated and bears the most serious consequences of all. It takes time and distance to stop a vehicle even if it is moving slowly. It is difficult for the driver to stop if a child darts suddenly into his path from between two parked cars.  
This applies to sections where there are no sidewalks. While walking to the left, the child can observe oncoming traffic and step off the roadway in plenty of time to avoid an approaching vehicle.
Playing on the street is one of the largest causes of child accidents. Street games in traffic are dangerous. Playgrounds and backyards in the neighborhood are the best guarantee that no boy or girl will be deprived of a happy childhood because of a traffic injury. 
BE DOUBLY ALERT ON RAINY DAYS: Special care is necessary to counteract the difficulty of seeing clearly on rainy days. Visibility is hampered by umbrellas and rainfall and may hide a vehicle from view. In addition, it is more difficult for the driver to see and vehicles may be unable to stop quickly or may skid. 
OBEY POLICE OFFICERS, ADULT CROSSING GUARDS, AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS: Your child's safety to and from school will depend to a great degree upon obedience to these safety guardians.
ITEMS NOT TO BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL: Toys, toy guns, cars, radios, electronic games, etc. are not to be brought to school unless specifically requested by the teacher. 
If your child is going to be absent please call Jackie Pavone in the main office at (718) 984-1688 Ext 2190
Children ages 6-17 are mandated by law to be in school. Attendance is taken daily. Children are expected to be on time.If your child was absent, a note from the parent or a doctor must be given to the teacher when he/she returns to school.  If a child is absent for two consecutive days, a call to the parent will be made by the school. Absence for family vacation is not an excusable absence. Family holidays should be taken during school holidays. 
Remember: Attendance is vital to your child's academic success, and his/her achieving promotional standards.  
Requesting the release of your child before dismissal should take place only if there is an emergency. All appointments should be scheduled when school is not in session. Children will not be released once the dismissal process begins (2:10 PM). Be advised that students should not be signed out upon returning from a class trip, at the conclusion of a class performance, or special event. Your child must remain with their class until dismissal. Children will not be released to anyone not listed on the blue emergency card unless a note is sent to the teacher by the parent. If a change in your child's daily schedule is necessary (i.e. bus children will be a walker; child is not attending any after school program, etc.); a note must be written and given to the teacher. A student's verbal statement or phone call will not be honored. Please state if someone other than the usual person is picking up your child.  
Remember: Photo ID is required from everyone to sign out a student.  This is for the safety of all. 
Enter and leave the building through the main entrance on Barlow Avenue. Present your Photo ID and sign in at the security desk. You will receive a pass after identification is validated. The issued pass only affords you access to a designated location. For the safety of pupils and staff, you may be asked for this pass by school personnel. Visitors should not be in any part of the building without authorization. Any unauthorized visitors will be considered intruders. Intruders will be reported to the police. Upon leaving the building, you must sign out and return the pass.  
If you are leaving books, lunches, cupcakes, etc, please bring these articles to the main office and they will be sent to the classes. Be sure to label the item with your child's name and class.  PS 32 has an open door policy. If you would like to speak with school personnel, it is not necessary to have an appointment.
Your child may be entitled to special accommodations in school under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act and various State and City laws. These laws protect the rights of students with special health needs who might have difficulty attending school or participating in regular school activities without support services or reasonable accommodations being provided. For example: parents of students with asthma, seizure disorders, etc. should contact the School Nurse at (718) 227-9786.  
Fire drills are a time of strict silence and immediate evacuation from the building. Fire drills are required by law and are held twelve times during the year. When the fire bell rings, the student is expected to obey orders and clear the building quickly and silently. The teacher in each classroom will give instructions for exiting the building. Specific fire drill procedures are posted in each room. It is important to respond to each fire drill as if it were a real fire. No child or adult may be left in the building during a fire drill.
Fire Drill Signals: 3 Gongs, 4 times-Immediate evacuation, 2 Gongs, followed by 3 Gongs, rung 4 times - Get ready/Get outerwear, proceed to your designated exit 
Soft Lockdown implies that there is no identified imminent danger. Students are to move out of sight and maintain silence. Specific soft lockdown drill procedures are posted in each room.
Hard Lockdown implies that imminent danger is known. Students are to move out of sight and maintain silence. Specific hard lockdown drill procedures are posted in each room.
Shelter Drill: The threat is outside the building. Students remain inside the building, conduct business as usual and respond to teacher directions. Specific shelter drill procedures are posted in each room.
All students must submit a completed lunch form whether or not you intend to have your child eat hot lunch. 
Students have a 50 minute lunch period which includes eating time and recreation time. Parents or guardians wishing to take their children home for lunch must meet in the main office. There must be advance notice on file with your child's teacher. 
1st Lunch 10:24-11:14am
Grades K, 3, 5 & Classes 4/5-341
2nd Lunch 11:50-12:40pm
Grades 1, 2, 4 Classes K/1/2- 209, 3/4-307
Good housekeeping is very important for a safe and orderly environment for our children. Please encourage your children to clean up their garbage during breakfast/lunch and cooperate with school rules and regulations. Children may not bring drinks in glass containers or cans. 
1.You must sit at your assigned table.
2.Always wait to be called for hot lunch and drinks. 
3.Use a soft voice at all times.  
4.Remember we only walk in the lunchroom.  
5.It is expected that the cafeteria is to be kept clean and neat.  
6.Food is not to leave the lunchroom.
7.Listen to the adults in charge.  
1.Think safety first. Hitting, kicking, pushing, punching, tackling, and running are not permitted.  
2.No one is to return to the building unless permission is given by the adult on duty.  
3.Students are expected to line up quietly and move through the building in the same manner.  
4.Use of bad language is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  
5.Throwing of stones, sticks, snowballs, or any other objects is not permitted.  
6.NEVER go beyond the schoolyard gates!
7.Listen to the adults in charge. 
Prior to any field trip, a note is sent home with each student describing the trip and explaining any fees involved. This note includes a permission slip that must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher.  
Please be advised that only parents selected by the teacher will attend a class trip. To maintain safety and order on trips, parents who have not been selected are not to impose his/her presence at the trip site. Siblings are not invited to accompany parent chaperones. A Board of Health nurse will accompany designated children on trips. In the event a nurse is not available, students with a 504 on file must have a parent and/or guardian attend the trip.