Mrs. Carnesecchi kindergarten 2020 - 2021-wgspkz4 Assignments

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Past Assignments


Kindergarten graduation dismissal in Google Classroom

Kindergarten graduation dismissal


Kindergarten Flower Contest in Google Classroom

Kindergarten Flower Contest

The Kindergarten students at PS 32 participated in a flower decorating contest this month.  

Congratulations to everyone who participated, all of the projects are amazing.  

Please watch the video and vote for your 3 (THREE) favorite flowers.  Voting will remain open until Friday, May 28 and winners will be announced Tuesday, June 1st.

Thank you


Kindergarten Flower Contest in Google Classroom

Kindergarten Flower Contest

Please upload your flower in this assignment to enter the contest. The entry should be a photograph of only the flower. Do not include your child in the picture.


Kindergarten Stepping up Pictures in Google Classroom

Kindergarten Stepping up Pictures

🏫📷📹👩‍🎓👨‍🎓We have not taken school pictures this year.
Over the spring break please take a nice photo of your child, and upload it to the assignment Kindergarten Stepping Up Photos, instead of Dojo. This change was created to allow Ms. Coco direct access, easier photo identification and greater accountability.
The photo will be use in the stepping up ceremony presentation. - It will be placed next to your child's certificate on their slide.
The photo should be similar in nature to that of a school photo. Head shot - generally from the chest up… No props, hats, hoods, pets, etc. in photo. Try to keep the background simple. Thank you so very much for your cooperation.👨‍🎓👩‍🎓📹📷🏫


The Name Jar in Google Classroom

The Name Jar

This is going home today, please complete it and return it on Monday.


ELA extra work 4/19 in Google Classroom

ELA extra work 4/19

Lesson 23 Week of 4/19 - 4/23 Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily

Journeys ELA work If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p.46, 48,49,50                                

Review pages 122-125    Read    My Pet Dog  p126-131 and read  Ben and Jen p 132-137
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories


Staff Appreciation Project in Google Classroom

Staff Appreciation Project

Hi everyone!! This May, we will celebrate Staff Appreciation Week and recognize all of the teachers, paras, aids, secretaries, service providers, nurse, and everyone who works hard at PS32 to make sure our school community is great!

This is a voluntary project. I have attached a slide for each of you to use to upload pictures, drawings and messages to your teachers, paras or anyone you want to send a special message to.

Try your best to participate. This project is due by April 5th! Once all of the slides have been submitted, we will create videos for everyone to enjoy!!

If anyone needs help, please reach out to Mrs. Coco directly either in the assignment, or by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank you!!


Staff Appreciation Project in Google Classroom

Staff Appreciation Project

Hi everyone!! This May, we will celebrate Staff Appreciation Week and recognize all of the teachers, paras, aids, secretaries, service providers, nurse, and everyone who works hard at PS32 to make sure our school community is great!

This is a voluntary project. I have attached a slide for each of you to use to upload pictures, drawings and messages to your teachers, paras or anyone you want to send a special message to.

Try your best to participate. This project is due by April 5th! Once all of the slides have been submitted, we will create videos for everyone to enjoy!!

If anyone needs help, please reach out to Mrs. Coco directly either in the assignment, or by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank you!!


3/22-3/26 Journeys Extra Work Lesson 22 in Google Classroom

3/22-3/26 Journeys Extra Work Lesson 22

"A Good Job"
"Fix It"
Reader's Notebook volume 2
complete pages 40-45


3/26 Math Topic 11.2 in Google Classroom

3/26 Math Topic 11.2

Count using patterns to 50
pages 631-636


Journeys lesson 21 extra work in Google Classroom

Journeys lesson 21 extra work

read Make it Pop
and My Dog Tom
complete reader's notebook volume 2 pages 34-39


3/26 ELA A Tiger Grows Up in Google Classroom

3/26 ELA A Tiger Grows Up

Post a picture of you and your craftivity on the stream.

read A Tiger Grows UP
Reading "Craftivity"
Phonics "en" sheet
Phonics "short e" sheet


3/25 ELA Leo the Late Bloomer in Google Classroom

3/25 ELA Leo the Late Bloomer

read Leo the Late Bloomer
Reading response sheet (analyze the story)
Phonics "en" sorting sheet
Sight Word "could" sheet
Journal notebook read a story from home and write 2 or 3 sentences about the main idea


3/25 Math topic 11.1 in Google Classroom

3/25 Math topic 11.1

Count using patterns to 30
pages 625-630


3/24 ELA Leo the Late Bloomer in Google Classroom

3/24 ELA Leo the Late Bloomer

Read Leo the Late Bloomer
Reading Response/ Grammar "pronouns" sheet
Phonics "short e" sheet
Sight Word "ate" sheet
Composition notebook create "en" word family


3/24 Math topic 10 test in Google Classroom

3/24 Math topic 10 test

complete Topic 10 test


3/23 ELA A Tiger Grows Up and Leo the Late Bloomer in Google Classroom

3/23 ELA A Tiger Grows Up and Leo the Late Bloomer

Read Leo the Late Bloomer
Reading response sheet (details)
Phonics "en" family sheet
Sight Word "good" sheet
Composition notebook write your name 2 times and write a sentence for the sight words (then, good, ate, could)


Math Topic 10 pre-assessment in Google Classroom

Math Topic 10 pre-assessment

pages 615-620


3/22 Math Topic 10 Review in Google Classroom

3/22 Math Topic 10 Review

Fluency practice
Add and Subtract within 5
Vocabulary review and reteach
pages 609-614


3/22 ELA A Tiger Grows Up and Leo the Late Bloomer in Google Classroom

3/22 ELA A Tiger Grows Up and Leo the Late Bloomer

Read A Tiger Grows up
Reading response sheet (key information)
Phonics "short e" sheet
Sight word "then"
Composition Notebook write your name 2 times and write the sight words (then, good, ate, and could)


3/19 Math Topic 10.7 in Google Classroom

3/19 Math Topic 10.7

Look for use and structure
Use patterns to make and find parts of numbers to 19
pages 603-608


3/15-3/19 Journeys Extra Work Lesson 20 in Google Classroom

3/15-3/19 Journeys Extra Work Lesson 20

Read lesson 20
"The Big Dig"
"We Fit"
Reader's Notebook Volume 2 pages 25-33


3/19 Curious George in Google Classroom

3/19 Curious George

Read Curious George Dinosaur Discovery
Reading "craftivity"
Phonics complete and color the "ed" house
Phonics complete and color "short e" sheet


Journeys lesson 20 extra work in Google Classroom

Journeys lesson 20 extra work

read The Big Dig
and We Fit
complete reader's notebook volume 2 pages 25-33


3/18 ELA Curious George in Google Classroom

3/18 ELA Curious George

Read Curious George
Reading response (cause and effect)
Phonics "ed" sheet
Sight word "when" sheet
Journal notebook (with picture box) read a story at home and write 2 or 3 sentences about the main character


3/18 Math Topic 10.6 in Google Classroom

3/18 Math Topic 10.6

Find parts of 17, 18, and 19
pages 597-602


3/17 Math Topic 10.5 in Google Classroom

3/17 Math Topic 10.5

Find parts of 14, 15, and 16
pages 591-596


3/17 ELA Curious George and Duck and Goose in Google Classroom

3/17 ELA Curious George and Duck and Goose

Read Curious George Dinosaur Discovery
Reading response sheet (visualization)
Phonics "short e" sheet
Sight word "when" sheet
Blue Composition Notebook write your name 2 times and create "ed" word family


3/16 ELA Duck and Goose and Curious George Dinosaur Discovy in Google Classroom

3/16 ELA Duck and Goose and Curious George Dinosaur Discovy

Read Curious George
Reading response sheet (order)
Phonics color the "ed" sheet
Sight word "all" sheet
Blue Composition Notebook write your name 2 times and write a sentence for each of the sight words (them, all, when, into)


3/16 Math Topic 10.4 in Google Classroom

3/16 Math Topic 10.4

Find parts of 11, 12, and 13
pages 585-590


3/15 Math topic 10.3 in Google Classroom

3/15 Math topic 10.3

Make 17, 18, and 19
pages 579-584


3/15 ELA Duck and Goose and Curious George's Dinosaur Discovery in Google Classroom

3/15 ELA Duck and Goose and Curious George's Dinosaur Discovery

Read Duck and Goose
Reading response sheet (character change)
Phonics "short e" sheet
Sight word "them" sheet
Blue Composition Notebook write your name 2 times and write the sight word 3 times each (them, all, when, into)


Journeys lesson 19 extra work in Google Classroom

Journeys lesson 19 extra work

read Go for It
and D is for Dad
complete reader's notebook volume 2 pages 19-24


Week of 3/8-3/12 in Google Classroom

Week of 3/8-3/12

Complete Topic 9 Practice Fluency- Practice and reteach
pages 555-558

Complete the math Pre-assessment
pages 559-562

Complete Math Topic 9 test in school

Complete Topic 10.1
Compose and Decompose numbers 11-19
pages 563-572

Complete topic 10.2
Make numbers 14, 15, and 16
pages 573-578


journey lesson 19 Nicky and the Rainy Day and Sheep Take a Hike in Google Classroom

journey lesson 19 Nicky and the Rainy Day and Sheep Take a Hike

read: Nicky and the Rainy Day
1. the I can put the story in order sheet
2. "short a" sheet
3. sight word "for" sheet
4. blue notebook write your name 2 times, write this weeks sight words 3 times (for, here, soon, up)

read : Nicky and the Rainy Day
1. I can find cause and effect sheet
2. "an" sheet
3. sight word "here" sheet
4. blue notebook write your name 2 times, write a sentence for each sight word (for, here, soon, up)

read: Sheep take a Hike
1. I can put the story in order sheet
2. trace and complete the sentence
3. Sight word "soon" sheet
4. blue notebook write your name 2 times and create words for _an word family

read Sheep Take a Hike
1. the cause and effect sheet
2. secret word sheet
3. sight word "up" sheet
4. in your red journal book, read a story from home and write 2 - 3 sentences what the main idea of the story

read Nicky and the Rainy Day
1. I can explain my opinion sheet
2. both "an" house sheets
3. "practice reading the sentence" sheet


3/5 topic 9.7
 in Google Classroom

3/5 topic 9.7

Use reasoning to count and write numbers to the number 20
pages 549-554


3/5 wear a Dr. Seuss shirt 
Green Eggs and Ham in Google Classroom

3/5 wear a Dr. Seuss shirt Green Eggs and Ham

Write about something you don't like sheet
--at family sheets page 1 cut and paste the word to the correct picture (words are on page 2)
--at family sheet page 2 write the --at word on the line (make one up and draw it in the box)
"My favorite Dr. Seuss book is ________ because... "sheet"
Fold and glue the "Dr. Seuss word family" sheet in your composition book

for fun color the fish orang, color a paper plate blue and glue the fish onto the plate (share your fish on the stream showing your child's face)


3/4 wear a crazy hat for Dr. Seuss week
One Fish, Two fish, Red Fish Blue fish in Google Classroom

3/4 wear a crazy hat for Dr. Seuss week One Fish, Two fish, Red Fish Blue fish

secret word sheet
sight word "because" sheet
reading response (journal notebook) write and draw about 1 silly thing in a Dr. Seuss book (The silly part of the cat and the hat is when he balances everything on the ball.)


3/4 goldfish math sheet in Google Classroom

3/4 goldfish math sheet

**math sheet is in the packet**
Using the video One Fish, Two Fish... complete the graph and answer how many


3/3  topic 9.6
  in Google Classroom

3/3 topic 9.6

count to find how many are in a group
pages 543-548


3/3 crazy hair day for Dr. Seuss week
The Foot Book
 in Google Classroom

3/3 crazy hair day for Dr. Seuss week The Foot Book

How long is my foot sheet (use pennies, paper clips and 1 other item of your choice.)
word work (composition notebook) follow the directions on the next 2 sheets in the packet. --at family
Sight word sheet "about"


Fundations in Google Classroom


Blue notebook _at word family, directions in packet.


3/2 wear polka dots for Dr. Seuss week
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back in Google Classroom

3/2 wear polka dots for Dr. Seuss week The Cat in the Hat Comes Back

Would you like to play with Thing 1 and Thing 2? Explain
Short a sheet
sight word "friend" sheet
Word work (composition) write your name 2 times and write a sentence for this weeks sight words (please, friend, about, because)


3/2 topic 9.5
 in Google Classroom

3/2 topic 9.5

counting forward form any number to 20
pages 537-542


3/1 topic 9.4 in Google Classroom

3/1 topic 9.4

count and write numbers 18,19, and 20
pages 531-536


fundations Unit 2 Week 4 in Google Classroom

fundations Unit 2 Week 4

Complete -at family word sheet
In blue composition notebook write your name twice and then write each of this week’s sight words 3 times each

Practice using grid lines, practice proper pencil grip and using letter sounds to form words. Use letter sounds to decode and words.
unit 3 week 4 tips

You will need your blue composition notebook and a dry erase marker, eraser, and your laminated letter fundation grid and letter tiles
targeted lesson week 4
*If you were unable to make the online lesson today do the following word play and Echo/Letter formation lesson.

Word Play: Make and read words for decoding
Make a few words from the flash cards with letter tiles or on dry erase card. Say and tap each sound then blend the sounds as you drag your finger under all three sounds as you blend the sounds to read the word.
Decoding word flash cards week 4
Echo find letters and words:
Find letter tiles to spell the following words:
Wax, fix, yet, jug, dot, pal, gum,fox


Wear stipes for Dr. Seuss week 3/1 The Cat in the Hat in Google Classroom

Wear stipes for Dr. Seuss week 3/1 The Cat in the Hat

The Cat In The Hat
character trait sheet on Thing 1 and Thing 2
_at family worksheet
sight word "please" sheet
word work ( composition notebook) write your name 2 times and write this weeks sight words 3 times (please, friend, about, because)


ELA 2/26 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/26

What a Beautiful Sky and What will the Weather be like? (in the back of What a beautiful Sky
1. Reading Response : compared the two stories (how are they the same)
2.Fundations: tap out the words sheet


journeys lesson 15 extra work 2/22-2/26 in Google Classroom

journeys lesson 15 extra work 2/22-2/26

read Pam Cat and Come with Me
complete Reader's Notebook pages 87-94


Math topic 9.3 in Google Classroom

Math topic 9.3

Count and Write 16 and 17
pages 525-530


Math topic 9.2 in Google Classroom

Math topic 9.2

Count and Write 13,14,and15
pages 519-524


ELA 2/25 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/25

What a Beautiful Sky
1. Reading Response: detail sheet
2. Fundations fill in the missing sounds sheet
3. Sight word "make" sheet
4. Journal Notebook: write the Title; What a Beautiful Sky and tell why the author wrote the story (entertain like a fiction book, inform like a non fiction book, or persuade someone to do something)


ELA 2/24 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/24

What a Beautiful Sky
1. Reading Response sheet on details
2. Fundations Vowel sound sheet
3. Sight word "last" sheet"
4. Journal notebook ( with the picture box on top) write about your favorite book; Write the Title and write why you like it. Draw a picture in the box.


math topic 9.1 in Google Classroom

math topic 9.1

Count and Write 11 and 12
pages 513-518


ELA 2/23 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/23

How Many Stars in the Sky
1. Reading response sheet on details
2. Fundations vowel sound sheet
3. Sight word "next" sheet
4. Blue notebook: write your name 2 times, write a sentence for each sight word


math topic 8 pre-assessment in Google Classroom

math topic 8 pre-assessment

complete the pre-assessment
pages 501-506


Math topic 8 Fluency practice, vocabulary and reteach in Google Classroom

Math topic 8 Fluency practice, vocabulary and reteach

add and subtract fluently to 5
review topic vocabulary
complete the reteach pages
pages 495-500


ELA 2/22 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/22

How Many Stars in the Sky?
1. Reading Response sheet on sequencing
2. Fundations vowel sound sheet
3. Sight word "first"
4. blue notebook: write your name 2 times, then practice your sight words 3 times each (first, next, last, make)


Math 2/11 SOLVE sheet (in packet) in Google Classroom

Math 2/11 SOLVE sheet (in packet)

complete the Word Problem SOLVE sheet.
using pictures or number sentence show how to solve the problem


Journeys extra work 2/8-2/11 in Google Classroom

Journeys extra work 2/8-2/11

lesson 18
Reader's Notebook Volume 2 pages 13-18
Student readers
Will it be Big
Rip is It
Let me know how the children did reading the stories, They should be able to recognize the sight words and tap out unfamiliar words. The goal is for them to become independent readers...have them use their reading fingers.


ELA 2/11 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/11

9:20 meet klive with Mrs. Behr
Read "Atlantic"
1."I can create sentences with future tense verbs" sheet
2. color by letter sheet
3, sight word "who" sheet


ELA 2/10 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/10

read "Atlantic"
1. reading response craftivity "How is the Atlantic Ocean important?"
2. color by letter sheet
3. sight word "that" sheet


Math topic 8.10 in Google Classroom

Math topic 8.10

Continue to find the missing part of 10
pages 489-494


ELA 2/9 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/9

read One Dog Canoe
1. reading response "Who would you take a canoe ride wit from the story and why?"
2. color by letter sheet
3. handwriting in the green floppy notebook, practice writing your name 2 times and write a sentence with the sight words for the week
4. Sight word "your" sheet


Math topic 8.9 in Google Classroom

Math topic 8.9

Find the missing part of 10
pages 483-488


Fundations 2/8 in Google Classroom

Fundations 2/8

Fundations unit 3 introduction


Math topic 8.8 in Google Classroom

Math topic 8.8

Solve word problems : both addends known.
pages 477-482


ELA 2/8 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/8

Read One Dog Canoe
1. reading response sheet "I can analyze and evaluate a text"
2. color by letter sheet
3. handwriting green floppy notebook, Write your name 2 times and write each of this weeks sight words 3 times each
4. sight word sheet "will"


2/1-2/5 Journeys lesson 16 extra work in Google Classroom

2/1-2/5 Journeys lesson 16 extra work

Reader's Notebook Volume 2
pages 1-6


2/5 Math topic 8.7 in Google Classroom

2/5 Math topic 8.7

decompose and represent 10
pages 471-476


2/5 ELA in Google Classroom

2/5 ELA

1. color by letter sheets A-L
2. science I can sort science terms...plant and animal


2/4 ELA in Google Classroom

2/4 ELA

What is Science
1. I can remember details from a story
2. Y and Z sheets
3. Sight word "many"
4. Green skinny "Y and Z" practice pages


2/4 Math topic 8.6 in Google Classroom

2/4 Math topic 8.6

decomposing and representing 8 and 9
pages 465-470


fundations week 4 day 4 in Google Classroom

fundations week 4 day 4

letters Y and Z
review letter formation


2/3 ELA in Google Classroom

2/3 ELA

Benjamin Franklin Inventor( In the back of What is Science story)
1. I can retell a story
2. W and X sheets
3. sight word "where"
4. green floppy W and X practice pages


2/3 Math topic 8.5 in Google Classroom

2/3 Math topic 8.5

decompose numbers 6 and 7
pages 459-464


Fundations unit 2 week4 day 3 in Google Classroom

Fundations unit 2 week4 day 3

letters W and X


2/3 ELA in Google Classroom

2/3 ELA

Dear Mr. Blueberry
1. I can summarize a story
2. U and V sheets
3. sight word "how"
4. Green floppy "U and V" practice


2/3 fundations week 4 day 2 in Google Classroom

2/3 fundations week 4 day 2

letters U and V


2/1 Math topic 8.4 in Google Classroom

2/1 Math topic 8.4

Fluency add and subtract
pages 453-457


2/1 ELA  in Google Classroom

2/1 ELA

Dear Mr. Blueberry
1. I can write a message
2. S and T sheet
3 sight word "so"
4. green floppy S and T practice pages


2/1 fundations Week 4 day 1 in Google Classroom

2/1 fundations Week 4 day 1

decoding flash cards
letters S and T


1/29 ELA in Google Classroom

1/29 ELA

Tiger Home, Bear home or Turtle splash
1.Reading response :draw and write about 1 animal and their habitat"
2."capital Q and R" practice sheets


Math topic 8.3 in Google Classroom

Math topic 8.3

pages 447-452


1/25-1/29 Journeys lesson 14 in Google Classroom

1/25-1/29 Journeys lesson 14

read student's reader stories "What Now?" page 140 and "At Bat" page 144
complete Reader's Notebook pages 82-86


Fundations in Google Classroom


Complete the following make it fun and letter formation activity:
Say 3 sounds and have your child guess the word by telling it to you they do not need to write it, just listen to the sounds you say and guess the word
/m/ /e/ /t/ met
/s/ /o/ /p/ soap
/t/ /u/ /b/ tub
/f/ /e/ /t/ feet
/m/ /i/ /x/ mix
/t/ /e/ /m/ team


1/28 ELA in Google Classroom

1/28 ELA

Read: Turtle Splash
1. reading response sheet "Task Craftivity, Where do animals make their homes?"
2. "capital O and P" sheets
3. Sight word "from" sheet
4. Green skinny "Capital O and P" practice


Topic 8.2 in Google Classroom

Topic 8.2

related facts.
pages 441-446


1/27 ELA in Google Classroom

1/27 ELA

Read: Turtle Splash
1. reading response sheet "Beginning, Middle and End"
2. "capital M and N" sheets
3. Sight word "now" sheet
4. Green skinny "Capital M and N" practice


Math Topic 8.1 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 8.1

Related facts
complete 431-440


Fundations in Google Classroom



1/26 ELA in Google Classroom

1/26 ELA

Read: Home for Tiger, Home for Bear
1. reading response sheet "draw and write bout an animal habitat"
2. "Capital K and L" sheets
3. sight word "they" sheet
4. Green skinny "Capital K and L" practice pages


Topic 7 pre assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 7 pre assessment

complete the pre-assessment
pages 425-430


10/25 ELA in Google Classroom

10/25 ELA

Read: Home for a Tiger, Home for a Bear
1. reading response sheet "something you found interesting"
2. "Capital I and J" sheets
3. sight word "are" sheet
4. Green skinny "Capital I and J" practice pages


Fundations in Google Classroom


week 3 day 1


topic 7 vocabulary and reteach in Google Classroom

topic 7 vocabulary and reteach

Complete the vocabulary and reteach pages 419-424


1/22 ELA in Google Classroom

1/22 ELA

On Our Way poem (last page if the story)
1. connect the sound words to the correct animal
2. :Capital G and H" sheets
3. *** hopefully this writing will be done in school with both groups 1 and 2 during the next few days***Writing to inform piece...please print out the papers , there are 3 sheets on doc. please use the check list on the bottom to remind the children how to write a sentence. (3 facts about an animal with illustrations to match the sentence on the page. 1 fact per page)


1/22 math topic 7.9 in Google Classroom

1/22 math topic 7.9

using appropriate tools in math
pages 413-418


1/19 extra journeys work in Google Classroom

1/19 extra journeys work

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 1 - p77-81

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 128-129Read Cam, Fran, Pam and Mac p130-133 and read Fat Cat p 134-137
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories


1/21 math topic 7.8 in Google Classroom

1/21 math topic 7.8

Use a pattern to develop fluency in subtraction
pages 407-4212


1/21 ELA in Google Classroom

1/21 ELA

What can you do with a tail like this?
1. complete the Authors Purpose sheet
2. "Capital E and F" sheets
3. sight word "what" sheet
4. green floppy capital E and F practice pages


1/20 ELA  in Google Classroom

1/20 ELA

What do you do with a tail like this?
1. Write and draw 1 thing you learned about the animal?
2. "capital C and D" sheets
3. sight word "you" sheet
4. green floppy complete capital C and D practice pages


1/ 20 math topic 7.7 in Google Classroom

1/ 20 math topic 7.7

Solving subtraction word problems
pages 401-406


1/19 math topic 7.6 in Google Classroom

1/19 math topic 7.6

Continue to represent and explain subtraction with equations.
pages 395-400


1/19 Journeys in Google Classroom

1/19 Journeys

A Zebra's World
1. "What have we learned" sheet
2. Capital "A and B" sheet
3. sight word "went" sheet
4. complete green floppy "A and B"


1/11-1/15   Journeys extra work Lesson 12 in Google Classroom

1/11-1/15 Journeys extra work Lesson 12

reader's notebook pages 72-76
student reader p.118-127
I Can Nap
Tap With Me


Journeys Storm is Coming and Snow
 in Google Classroom

Journeys Storm is Coming and Snow

1. performance task craftivity
2. "z" practice sheet
3. "q" practice sheet
4. "Dr. Martin Luther King" sheet
4. "I have a dream" sheet


Math topic 7.5 in Google Classroom

Math topic 7.5

represent and explain subtraction with equations
pages 389-394


Math topic 7.4 in Google Classroom

Math topic 7.4

using the minus sign in subtraction
pages 383-388


1/14 Journeys Snow in Google Classroom

1/14 Journeys Snow

1. I can find the verb sheet
2. "q" sheet
3. "play" sight word sheet
4. green skinny "q" practice page


Math topic 7.3 in Google Classroom

Math topic 7.3

represent subtraction as taking from
pages 377-380


1/13 journeys Snow in Google Classroom

1/13 journeys Snow

read Snow
1. I can explain character choices
2 "z" sheet
3. "of" sight word
4. green skinny "z" practice page


1/12 Journeys Snow
 in Google Classroom

1/12 Journeys Snow

listen to "How Water Changes"
1. I can show cause and effect
2. "q" sheet
3. "said" sight word sheet
4. green skinny "qu" pictures


Mat topic 7.2 in Google Classroom

Mat topic 7.2

Explore subtracting
pages 371-376


1/11 Journeys Storm is Coming and Snow in Google Classroom

1/11 Journeys Storm is Coming and Snow

Read Storm is Coming
1. I can draw conclusions
2. "z" sheet
3. "with" sight word sheet
4. green skinny "z" pictures


Math topic 7.1
 in Google Classroom

Math topic 7.1

Exploring Subtraction
pages 359-370


1/4-1/8 Journeys extra work lesson 11 in Google Classroom

1/4-1/8 Journeys extra work lesson 11

read Come and See
read Pam and Me
reader's notebook p.67-71


1/8 Jump into January in Google Classroom

1/8 Jump into January

1. Craftivity - multiple meaning words
2. "y" sheet
3. "x" sheet


math topic 6 practice assessment  in Google Classroom

math topic 6 practice assessment

pages 353-358


1/7 Jump into January in Google Classroom

1/7 Jump into January

Read Jump into January
1. Reading response "my least favorite weather"
2. "Xx" sheet
3. "had" sight word sheet
4. green skinny "x" practice page


1/6 Jump into January in Google Classroom

1/6 Jump into January

read Jump into January
1. Reading response "Why is rain special"
2. "Yy" sheet
3."saw" sight word sheet
4. green skinny "y" practice page


Math topic 6 vocabulary and reteach in Google Classroom

Math topic 6 vocabulary and reteach

Vocabulary review and reteaching pages
p. 347-352


1/5  Jump into January in Google Classroom

1/5 Jump into January

read Jump into January
1.reading response "share about your favorite kind of weather"
2. "Xx" sheet
3. "come" sight word sheet
4. green skinny "x" pictures


Math topic 6.10
 in Google Classroom

Math topic 6.10

Model adding different ways
p. 341-346


Math topic 6.9 in Google Classroom

Math topic 6.9

Use patterns to develop fluency in addition
p. 335-340


1/4  lesson 11 Every Season and Jump into January in Google Classroom

1/4 lesson 11 Every Season and Jump into January

Read Every Season
1. Reading response "favorite season"
2. "Yy" sheet
3. "see" sight words
4. green skinny "y" pictures


12/23 The Gingerbread Cowboy in Google Classroom

12/23 The Gingerbread Cowboy

1. Gingerbread Cowboy sequence web
2. Gingerbread science prediction sheet
3. Connect the dots "alphabet" sheet
4. Gingerbread art project


Math 12/23 (in packet) in Google Classroom

Math 12/23 (in packet)

1. Picture addition
2. ways to make 4


Math topic 6.8 in Google Classroom

Math topic 6.8

Solve addition word problems
pages 329-334


12/22 Ninjabread Man in Google Classroom

12/22 Ninjabread Man

1. Ninjabread Man sequence sheet
2. "w" sheet
3. sight word "fast"
4. review letters and sight words


!2/21 Gingerbread Girl in Google Classroom

!2/21 Gingerbread Girl

Live Stream at 12:35
1. Gingerbread Girl Character web
2.. "v" sheet
3. sight word "girl" sheet
4. review all letters completed in fundations "skinny green" notebook and sight words


Math topic 6.7 in Google Classroom

Math topic 6.7

Solve addition word problems
pages 323-328


The Gingerbread Boy ( understanding sequence) in Google Classroom

The Gingerbread Boy ( understanding sequence)

1. Reading Response "The Gingerbread Boy"
2. "v" practice sheet
3. "w" practice sheet
4. review sight words


Math Topic 6.6 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 6.6

Continue to represent and explain addition with equations.
Pages 317-322


Math Topic 6.5 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 6.5

Represent and explain addition with equations
Pages 311-316


The Gingerbread Girl ( understanding sequencing) in Google Classroom

The Gingerbread Girl ( understanding sequencing)

1. Reading response "the Gingerbread Girl"
2. "w" sheet
3. green skinny "w" practice page


Math Topic 6.4 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 6.4

9:20 google meet
Using the plus sign in addition
page 305-310


Wednesday    12/16  The Gingerbread baby (understanding characters) in Google Classroom

Wednesday 12/16 The Gingerbread baby (understanding characters)

12:45 MEET
1. Reading response "Gingerbread Baby"
2. "v" practice sheet
3. "eat" sight words sheet
4. green skinny "v" practice sheet


The Gingerbread Boy (Sequencing) in Google Classroom

The Gingerbread Boy (Sequencing)

1. "The Gingerbread Boy Sequencing" sheet
2. "w" sheet
3. "boy" sight word sheet
4. green skinny "w" picture page


Math Topic 6.3 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 6.3

Represent addition as putting together
pages 299-304


Monday12/14   The Gingerbread Man (understanding characters) in Google Classroom

Monday12/14 The Gingerbread Man (understanding characters)


1. "Gingerbread Man Character Web"
2. "v" sheet (oops, duplicate in pack)
3. "run" sheet
4. green skinny "v" pictures


Math topic 6.2 in Google Classroom

Math topic 6.2

code kurgo
Represent addition as adding to
Pages 293-298


Math Topic 6.1 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 6.1

Understanding Addition
p. 281-292


ELA 12/11 in Google Classroom

ELA 12/11

Read Mouse Shapes
1. "I can describe characters" sheet
2. "h" sheet ( cut and paste 2 pages)
3" "k" sheet
4. "be" sheet


12/7-12/11 Journeys extra work (lesson 10) in Google Classroom

12/7-12/11 Journeys extra work (lesson 10)

Mmmm, Good and The Playground
Journeys Readers Notebook
Story Structure p. 65
Adjectives for size and shape p. 66
Letters WTK p.8, p. 1, 61, 64 volume 2 p. 54, 55
Sight words p. 86, 44 volume 2 p. 18, 79


ELA 12/10 in Google Classroom

ELA 12/10

Read Mouse Shapes
1. "I can summarize a story" sheet
2. "k" sheet (cut and paste 2 pages)
3. "we" sheet
4. green floppy "k" practice page


Math topic 5  Practice Assessment in Google Classroom

Math topic 5 Practice Assessment

Complete the practice assessment
p. 277-280



ELA 12/9 in Google Classroom

ELA 12/9

Read Mouse Shapes
1. reading response "create a picture with shapes"
2. "h" sheet
3. "be" sheet
4. green skinny "h" practice page


Math Topic 5 Vocabulary and Reteach in Google Classroom

Math Topic 5 Vocabulary and Reteach

Vocabulary and Reteach
p. 273-286


Math Topic 5.4 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 5.4

Critique reasoning
p. 267-272


ELA 12/8 in Google Classroom

ELA 12/8

Read David's Drawings and Mouse Shapes
1. "I Can find the setting" sheet
2. "k" sheet
3. "we" sheet
4. green skinny "k" pictures


Math Topic 5.3 in Google Classroom

Math Topic 5.3

Ort the categories by counting
p. 261-256


ELA 12/7 in Google Classroom

ELA 12/7

Read David's Drawings (lesson 9)
1. David's Character traits organizer
2. "h" sheet
3. "out" sheet
4. green skinny "h" picture page


Journeys lesson 8 extra work in Google Classroom

Journeys lesson 8 extra work

Journeys skill
details page 52
adjectives for color page 53
Student reader: I Can See
letter pages....64, 61, 56, 55, 9, wtk 10, wkt 9
volume 2 pages 3, 94


12/4 in Google Classroom


Jonathan and his Mommy / Move
1. performance craftivity
2. "l" and "j" sheets
3. review your sight words


Math 12/4 in Google Classroom

Math 12/4

Topic 5.2
count the number of objects in each category
pages 255-260


12/3 in Google Classroom


1 reading response sheet
2. "l" sheet
3. review your sight words
4. green skinny "l" practice page


Math 12/3 in Google Classroom

Math 12/3

Topic 5.1
classify objects into categories
pages 245-254


Math 12/2
 in Google Classroom

Math 12/2

Pre- assessment Topic 4
Pages 241-244


Topic 4 Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 4 Online Assessment


12/2 in Google Classroom


1. "I can create captions" sheet
2. "j" sheet
3. sight word "by" sheet
4. Green skinny "j" practice page


Math topic 4 assessment in Google Classroom

Math topic 4 assessment

complete assessment online


ELA 12/1 in Google Classroom

ELA 12/1

1. compare and contrast reading response sheet
2. Letter "l" sheet
3. Sight word "look" sheet
4. Green skinny "l" pictures


Math 12/1 in Google Classroom

Math 12/1

Vocabulary and reteach topic 4
pages 237-240


ELA 11/30-12/4 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/30-12/4

Journeys Jonathan and his Mommy
1. reading response sheet
2. letter j shhet
3. sight word "it"
4. green skinny "j" pictures


Math 11/30 Topic 4.6 in Google Classroom

Math 11/30 Topic 4.6

repeated reasoning
p. 231-236


Pete the Cat, the First Thanksgiving in Google Classroom

Pete the Cat, the First Thanksgiving

1. listen to Pete the Cat, The First Thanksgiving
2. reading response sheet draw and write what you are thankful for
3. "p" pictures and practice sheet (last page in packet)
4. color the turkey by sight word.


Thanksgiving counting sheets in Google Classroom

Thanksgiving counting sheets

Numbers 1-6 counting
count, tally, and color turkey sheet


Turkey Trouble in Google Classroom

Turkey Trouble

1. put together Turkey Trouble booklet in the packet
2. ***independent work "Today I'm thankful for" sheet have it ready to share at the end of the ELA meeting***
3. "p" pictures and practice page
4. sight word sheet "do"
***independent work" green skinny "p" practice page


Topic 4.5 in Google Classroom

Topic 4.5

Count numbers to 10
pages 225-230


Topic 4.4 in Google Classroom

Topic 4.4

Compare numbers to 10.
pages 219-224


Thanksgiving Past and Present (book located inside the packet) in Google Classroom

Thanksgiving Past and Present (book located inside the packet)

1. put the booklet Thanksgiving Past and Present together
2. have the now and then page cut out and ready to go as we read
3. "p" pictures and practice
4. Sight word page "on"
***** independent work green skinny "p" pictures and practice*****


ELA 11/20 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/20

Read either story
1. Complete "I can find sentences with the correct spacing" sheet
2. "e" practice sheet
3. "r" practice sheet
4. color and create your cornucopia decoration.


Extra Journeys Work lesson 6 and 7 in Google Classroom

Extra Journeys Work lesson 6 and 7

Lesson 6… My Five senses
Student reader link
Readers notebook
-details page 37
- compare and contrast page 42
-sensory words page 43
-action verbs in present tense page 38
-Letters d and s pages 4, 14, 33, 36, and volume 2 pages 21
- sight word go and and pages 26
- review sight words page 31

Lesson 7… Mice Squeak, We Speak, Amelia’s Show and Tell Fiesta
Student book
-Letter r volume 2, page 15, 28,
-Letter e page 5 volume 2 page 48
-Review letters volume 2, page 94
Reader’s Notebook
-understanding characters page 47
-sensory words page 48


topic 4.3 in Google Classroom

topic 4.3

Compare groups to 10 by counting.
pages 213-218


Topic 4.2 in Google Classroom

Topic 4.2

Compare numbers using numerals to 10
pages 207- 212


ELA 11/19 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/19

Read Amelia's Show and Tel Fiesta and Mice Squeak, We Speak
1 Complete the Performance Craftivity "How do people and animals communicate?"
2. "r" practice page
3. sight word "was" sheet
4. green floppy "r" practice page


Topic 4.1 in Google Classroom

Topic 4.1

Compare groups to 10
pages 201-206


ELA 11/18 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/18

read stories Mice Speak, We Speak
1. Complete I can choose words that describe sounds sheet
2. "e" practice page
3. sight word "was" sheet
4. green floppy "e" practice page


Topic 3 practice assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 3 practice assessment

pages 193-198


Ela pack 11/17 in Google Classroom

Ela pack 11/17

Listen to Mice Squeak ,We Speak
1. complete the "How animals communicate" sheet
2. "r" practice page
3. "I can use words to describe sounds" sheet
4. green floppy "r" pictures page


topic 3 Vocabulary and Reteach in Google Classroom

topic 3 Vocabulary and Reteach

pages 187-192


Topic 3 vocabulary and reteach
 in Google Classroom

Topic 3 vocabulary and reteach



ELA pack in Google Classroom

ELA pack

Listen to Amelia's Show and Tell Fiesta
1. complete character feelings sheet
2. "e" practice sheet
3. sight word "day"
4. green floppy "e" picture page


3.8 in Google Classroom


I know this lesson is confusing, I will be assigning the reteach page online with the visual learning video.


Topic 3.8 in Google Classroom

Topic 3.8


Friday 11/13 in Google Classroom

Friday 11/13

11/13 Friday
Please reread My 5 Senses on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link
1. Complete the “ I Can Share About How I Use My Senses At School” sheet .
2. Draw a picture to show how you use your sense of SOUND, write a caption. EX- Hear the teacher
3. Complete the “s” letter sheet
4. Complete the sight word “go” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


Thursday11/12 in Google Classroom


11/12 Thursday
Please reread My 5 Senses on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link
When reading the story think of words that mean the opposite thing in the story.
Complete the “ I Can Match Antonyms” sheet - Color and then match the words that mean the opposite.
Complete the “d” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “go” sheet
Make a index card for the word - go - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


topic 3.8 in Google Classroom

topic 3.8

Look for and Use Structure
pages 181-186


11/10 	Tuesday in Google Classroom

11/10 Tuesday

11/10 Tuesday
Please reread My 5 Senses on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link
1. Complete “ I Can Create a Chart” look at the sense at the top of each column and draw a picture in the blank boxes that go with the sense, color the pictures.
2. Complete the “s” letter sheet
3. Complete the sight word “and” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


topic 3.6 in Google Classroom

topic 3.6

Read and Write 10
pages 169-174


Monday 11/9 in Google Classroom

Monday 11/9

11/9 Monday
Please read My 5 Senses on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link
1. Complete “ I Can Illustrate Sensory Words” after your adult reads each word in the boxes, please draw a picture of something that goes with that sensory word.
2. Complete the “d” letter sheet
3. Complete the sight word “and” sheet
Make a index card for the word - and - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


topic 3.5 in Google Classroom

topic 3.5

count to 10
pages 163-168


topic 3.4 in Google Classroom

topic 3.4

read and write 8 and 9
pages 157-160


Friday 11/6 in Google Classroom

Friday 11/6

Please complete:
1. complete the sentence/punctuation sheet
2. "a" and "g" sheet
3. green skinny "g" practice


Thursday 11/5 in Google Classroom

Thursday 11/5

Please complete:
1. letter "a" sheet
2. sight word "my" sheet
3. green skinny "a" practice


topic 3.3 in Google Classroom

topic 3.3

count 8 and 9
pages 151-154


topic 3.2 in Google Classroom

topic 3.2

read and write 6 and 7
pages 145-148


Wednesday 11/4 in Google Classroom

Wednesday 11/4

Please complete:
1. wheels at school sheet
2. letter "g" sheet
3. green skinny "g" pictures
4. sight word sheet "is"


Election Day 11/3 in Google Classroom

Election Day 11/3

Join me on a class meet at 9:00 am for attendance.
Watch the virtual tour of the White House where the president lives and works.
Draw and submit a picture of your favorite part of the tour. Label the drawing with the name of the room.


ELA Monday 11/2 in Google Classroom

ELA Monday 11/2

Please complete:
1. read What Do Wheels Do All Day
2. I can draw conclusions sheet
3. Green skinny "a" pictures
4. Sight word "my" sheet


topic 3.1  in Google Classroom

topic 3.1

count 6 and 7
pages 139-142


SOLVE and Halloween set and counting sheet in Google Classroom

SOLVE and Halloween set and counting sheet

follow the directions on each sheet


10/30 in Google Classroom


1. Spookley activity (problem and solution)
2. c sheet
3. o sheet
4. Fundations complete all pages up to c and o pages (green skinny)


SOLVE in Google Classroom


Read the directions and complete the math story ( word problem )


10/29 in Google Classroom


1. synonyms sheet
2. o sheet
3. the sight word sheet
4. Fundations o practice ( green skinny)


10/28 in Google Classroom


1..performance craftivity
2. c sheet
3. the sight word sheet
4. Fundations c practice (green skinny)


Topic 2 practice assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 2 practice assessment

Students will use strategies to compare groups and numbers 0 to 5.
Complete pages 131-134


Topic 2 assessment ONLINE in Google Classroom

Topic 2 assessment ONLINE


topic 2 Vocabulary and reteach  in Google Classroom

topic 2 Vocabulary and reteach

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to compare groups and numbers 0 to 5.
Complete review pages 127-130


10/27 in Google Classroom


1. nouns and verbs sheet
2. o is for owl sheet
3. me sight word sheet
4. Fundations o pictures


10/26 in Google Classroom


1. Handy Things sheet
2. C is for coat sheet
3. me sight word sheet
4. Fundations c pictures ( green skinny notebook)


topic 2.6 in Google Classroom

topic 2.6

Math Practice and Problem Solving: Model with math
I will be able to use objects, drawings, and numbers to compare numbers up to 5.
I can use two types of objects and number cards to help compare numbers to 5 .
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 121-124
HW pages 125-26


Friday 10/23 in Google Classroom

Friday 10/23

* green skinny notebook COMPLETE ALL PAGES UP TO "u"
**I can use new words sheet
***"u" practice sheet
****:i: practice sheet


2.5 in Google Classroom


pages 115-118
I can compare numbers.


Extra work for 10/19-10/23 in Google Classroom

Extra work for 10/19-10/23

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 2,9, and 29
Read the books that follow lesson 4 in the student books
p. 38-47


Thursday 10/22 in Google Classroom

Thursday 10/22

* green skinny notebook "u" practice page
**performance crafitivty :What kind of work do people do?" cube
***"u" practice sheet
**** sight word "like" sheet


2.4 in Google Classroom


pages 109-112
I can compare groups by counting


Wednesday 10/21 in Google Classroom

Wednesday 10/21

* green skinny notebook trace and practice "i" page
**I can write verbs sheet
***"i" practice sheet
****sight word "like" sheet


2.3 in Google Classroom


pages 103- 106
I can find which group is less.


Tuesday 10/20 in Google Classroom

Tuesday 10/20

*green skinny notebook "u" pictures
**I can classify Jobs
***"u" practice sheet
****sight word "to" sheet


2.2. in Google Classroom


pages 97-100
I can find which group is greater


Monday 10/19 in Google Classroom

Monday 10/19

* Green skinny "i" pictures
**A job for me sheet
***:i: practice sheet
****Sight word "to " sheet


math 2.1 in Google Classroom

math 2.1

Pages 91-94
Equal groups


Math topic 1 assessment (practice) in Google Classroom

Math topic 1 assessment (practice)

pages 79-82


ELA 10/16 in Google Classroom

ELA 10/16

Complete sheet -I Can Write Nouns

Complete the I can write nouns - explain that a noun is a person, place or thing, read the words under each picture to your child. If they can have them write the appropriate noun on the line under the picture. If they can not print, please have them draw a line from the picture on the bottom to the word that describes that noun.

When reading the story see if your child can generate words that mean the same thing the characters are doing

Writing - Complete the additional “m” sheet write m if the picture name begins with the m sound

Sight word - ”am” sheet


Extra work 10/13 in Google Classroom

Extra work 10/13

Journeys ELA work
 If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook 
pages 18, 21, 25, 27, 28,4,6, 73


ELA pack 10/15 in Google Classroom

ELA pack 10/15

When reading the story see if your child can generate words that mean the same thing the characters are doing

Complete I Can Find Synonyms

Writing - Complete the additional “n” sheet write n if the picture name begins with the n sound

Sight word -” am” sheet


10/ 15 math vocabulary in Google Classroom

10/ 15 math vocabulary


ELA pack 10/14 in Google Classroom

ELA pack 10/14

Complete I Can Draw Conclusions About What I Read sheet - draw a picture of what puppy is like and then write or dictate a caption (adult can write the caption in highlighter and student can trace it

Writing - Complete the additional “m” sheet color each picture that’s name begins with the m sound

Sight word- "I" sheet


10/14  math 1.11 in Google Classroom

10/14 math 1.11

Math practice and problem solving
I can use math to explain what I know about counting.
pages 67-72


10/13  Math 1.10 in Google Classroom

10/13 Math 1.10

Count numbers to 5
p. 61-66


ELA pack 10/13 in Google Classroom

ELA pack 10/13

Complete New Pet sheet - draw a picture of your pet or a pet you would like to have - label it then color it

Writing - Complete the additional “n” sheet write n if the picture name begins with the n sound

Sight word -” I ”sheet


Friday 10/9 in Google Classroom

Friday 10/9

complete the performance task craftivity Dinosaur
complete the consonant B sheet
complete the beginning sound /f/ sheet


1-9 in Google Classroom


I can recognize 5 objects in different arrangements.
Using counters I can show groups of 5 in different ways.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 55-58
HW pages 59-60


Friday 10/9 in Google Classroom

Friday 10/9

10/9 Friday
Please reread How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link


Thursday 10/8 in Google Classroom

Thursday 10/8

complete the I can explain how characters act in a story sheet
complete the beginning sound /f/ sheet


topic 1-8 in Google Classroom

topic 1-8

I can read and write the number 0
I will be able to read and write the number zero when there are no objects.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 49-52
HW pages 53-54


Thursday 10/8 in Google Classroom

Thursday 10/8

10/8 Thursday
Please reread How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link.
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link


Wednesday 10/7 in Google Classroom

Wednesday 10/7

10/7 Wednesday
Please reread a portion of How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link

When reading the story think of words that mean the opposite of things the dinosaurs are doing.


Wednesday 10/7 in Google Classroom

Wednesday 10/7

complete the I can find antonyms sheet
complete the beginning with the /b/ sound sheet


topic 1-7 in Google Classroom

topic 1-7

I can identify the number 0
I will be able to use zero when there are no objects.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 43-46
HW pages 47-48


Tuesday 10/6 in Google Classroom

Tuesday 10/6

complete the F is for fish sheet.


topic 1-6 in Google Classroom

topic 1-6

I can read and write the numbers 4 and 5.
Using number cards I can read and write numbers 4 and 5.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 37-40
HW pages 41-42


Tuesday 10/6 in Google Classroom

Tuesday 10/6

10/6 Tuesday
Please reread How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link.
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link


topic 1-5 in Google Classroom

topic 1-5

I can recognize 4 and 5 objects in different arrangements.
Using counters and number cards I can show groups of 4 and 5 in different ways.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 31-34
HW pages 35-36


Monday 10/5 in Google Classroom

Monday 10/5

complete the B is for boat sheet.


Journeys 10/2 in Google Classroom

Journeys 10/2

10/2 Friday
Please reread What Makes a Family on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
When you read... think of things that are nouns, (person , place, or thing), point them out how sheet
Complete the I can write nouns - explain that a noun is a person, place or thing,
Read the words under each picture to your child. If they can have them write the appropriate noun on the line under the picture. If they can not print, please have them draw a line from the picture on the bottom to the word that describes that noun.


Friday 10/1 in Google Classroom

Friday 10/1

I Can Write Nouns sheet
Lower case t sheet
Consonant t sheet


topic 1.4 in Google Classroom

topic 1.4

I can count 4 and 5 objects.
Using counters I can count groups of 4 or 5.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 25-28
HW pages 29-30


Thursday 10/1 in Google Classroom

Thursday 10/1

T is for turtle sheet


Journeys 10/1 in Google Classroom

Journeys 10/1

10/1 Thursday
Please reread What Makes a Family on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete - I Can Find Rhyming Words - Look at the picture in the first column and say the word. Then color all of the pictures in that line that rhyme with that word
Complete the noun sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


topic 1-3 in Google Classroom

topic 1-3

I can read and write 1, 2 and 3.
Using number cards I can read and write numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 19-22
HW pages 23-24


topic 1-2 in Google Classroom

topic 1-2

I can recognize 1, 2 and 3 objects in different arrangements.
Using counters I can show groups of 1, 2 or 3 in different ways.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 13-16
HW pages 17-18


Wednesday 9/30 in Google Classroom

Wednesday 9/30

Weekly packet
I can Find the Main Idea Sheet


Journeys 9/30 in Google Classroom

Journeys 9/30

9/30 Wednesday
Please reread What Makes a Family on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the I can write nouns - explain that a noun is a person, place or thing,
Read the words under each picture to your child. If they can have them write the appropriate noun on the line under the picture. If they can not print, please have them draw a line from the picture on the bottom to the word that describes that noun.
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


topic 1-1 in Google Classroom

topic 1-1

I can count 1, 2 and 3 objects.
Using counters I can show groups of 1, 2 or 3.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 1-10
HW pages 11-12


Tuesday 9/29 in Google Classroom

Tuesday 9/29

9/29 Tuesday
Please read What Makes a Family on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Compete My Family sheet - draw a picture of your family and color it.
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product
Complete the first name page of the green fundations notebook.


9/25 Friday in Google Classroom

9/25 Friday

Please read Kindergarten Rocks, if you have it or follow along with this youtube video
Complete the Reading Response, (name on top) Draw a picture of how Dexter felt in the beginning and how he felt at the end of the story.
Please use the Fundations sheet to practice writing your first and last name 3 times.(parents may have to highlight and students can trace please try to use proper letter formation for your child to trace).
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


9/24 Thursday in Google Classroom

9/24 Thursday

Please read David Goes to School, if you have it or follow along with this youtube video
Complete the Reading Response, (name on top and response on the bottom) and the craft. You can color or use construction paper and glue to the template.
Please use the Fundations sheet to practice writing your first and last name 3 times.(parents may have to highlight and students can trace please try to use proper letter formation for your child to trace).
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


ELA 9/23 in Google Classroom

ELA 9/23

9/23 Wednesday
Please read Pete the Cat - Rocking in My School Shoes, if you have it or follow along with this youtube video
Complete the Reading Response, (name on top and response on the bottom) and the craft
Please use the Fundations sheet to practice writing your first and last name 3 times.(parents may have to highlight and students can trace please try to use proper letter formation for your child to trace).
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


9/22 Wemberly Worried in Google Classroom

9/22 Wemberly Worried

complete the pages in the packet and upload the images


ELA 9/21 

 in Google Classroom

ELA 9/21

Please read The Kissing Hand if you have it or follow along with this youtube video
Complete the Kissing hand worksheet , either by coloring in the hand or painting our hand and putting it in the space provided - we add a heart to the middle.
Complete the “First Day of Kindergarten Self Portrait” (children should draw and color on their own as we use this at the end of the year to see growth)
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

Also by the end of the day please take a picture of your child in the I Rocked the First Day of Kindergarten hat that they will color and decorate.