Behr140 Assignments

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6/7 to 6/11 reading in Google Classroom

6/7 to 6/11 reading

  Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 202-205   Read Vet on a Job   pages 206-211 
Read pages Roz the Vet pages 212-217

In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he/she breeze through it, need a little bit  of help or did they struggle through the stories.  These stories are on grade level.


6/7-6/11 Fundations  Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

6/7-6/11 Fundations Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine

 Complete long /o/ page - name each picture , color the picture if you hear the long /o
6/8 no school
 Complete long /o/sheet- 
Read each sentence. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Write the word on the line.
Complete “Apply Long Vowel o To Decode Words in Context
Read the story. Then read the sentences. Write the words that complete the sentences. Color the picture

Name  each picture. Circle the picture name , write the name
Complete and  color the -oat  family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


6/7-6/11 ELA   Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

6/7-6/11 ELA Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   6/7   Lesson 28
Week of 6/7 - 6/11
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
Journeys ELA work 
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p 79-83

6/7 Monday

Please read The Little Engine That Could
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the reading response. 
Draw and write why the clown and toys are so happy to get to the top of the mountain.  Remember to label your drawing.

In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
1 - very
2- their
3- put

Complete the sight word  “very” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -very - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
6\8 Tuesday - No School -  Clerical Day

6\9   Wednesday
Please read You Can Do it Curious George
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Competel I Can Find the Setting
Draw a picture to show the setting, of each story and write a caption . 

 IN Blue Primary Composition.Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence. Will be done for HW if  in person day
1 - very
2- their
3- put

Complete the sight word  “their ” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - their - and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

6\10 Thursday  
Please reread You Can Do it Curious George
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Write About What I Read  - answer each prompt and draw a picture to explain what you wrote
In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -oat , write 3 times 

Complete the sight word  “put ” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - put - and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments, upload or scan the finished product.

6\11  Friday
Please reread  You Can Do it Curious George
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “I Can Use Context Clues”
Listen as your teacher or parent reads each section. Use what you can see in the pictures to help you  decide what the words mean.  Then color to answer the questions.  

Complete and  color the -oat  family houses.
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished


Kindergarten Contact Tracing Letter in Google Classroom

Kindergarten Contact Tracing Letter



👨‍🎓👩‍🎓After Moving Up Dismissal Form👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 in Google Classroom

👨‍🎓👩‍🎓After Moving Up Dismissal Form👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

I will send home a paper form on Friday 5/28


5/31 to 6/4  Math  - Only turn in if your child is home do to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/31 to 6/4 Math - Only turn in if your child is home do to COVID quarantine

Tuesday and Wednesday  - we will complete the Math End of year Assessment
Friday we will complete the SOLVE problem


5/31 to 6/4 Fundations - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarntine    in Google Classroom

5/31 to 6/4 Fundations - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarntine

Tuesday - 

Fundations - Complete long /i/sheet- say the name of each picture,color the picture if you  hear the long i sound.
Wednesday - Fundations - Phonics -  Complete long /i/  sheet-       Read each sentence. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Write the word on the line.
Thursday - No School
Friday -  - Fundations - Phonics  i_e if you hear the long i sound in kite


5/31 to 6/4   ELA  - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/31 to 6/4 ELA - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   5/31   Lesson 29
Week of 5/31 - 6/4
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
Journeys ELA work 
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p 85-89
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 218-221   Not Yet   pages 222-227 
Read pages Can Not Quit Yet   pages 228-233

In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he/she breeze through it, need a little bit  of help or did they struggle through the stories.  These stories are on grade level.

5/31 Monday  No School  Observance of Memorial Day

6/1 Tuesday
           Please read Please read Baby Brains
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Competel I Can Retell a Story
Recall details from “Baby Brains”   and answer the questions and draw to explain

Will be done for HW if  in person day
1 - off
2- our

  Complete the sight word  “off” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -off - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

6/2   Wednesday
Please reread Baby Brains
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the reading response. Draw and write about what you think was the most interesting thing Baby Brains does. Remember to add details. Remember to label your drawing.

In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -ike , write 3 times each

Complete the sight word  “our ” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - our - and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments, upload or scan the finished product.

6\3 Thursday   NO School

5/28  Friday
Please read  Look at Us  
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Compete “I CanTell the Main Idea”
Draw a picture and write about the main idea of “Look at Us”. Remember to label your drawing , and add details.

Complete and  color the -ike  family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


5/24 to 5/28 Fundations - Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/24 to 5/28 Fundations - Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine


 - Fundations - Phonics - Complete long e page - name each picture in the row. Circle the picture whose name has a long e sound

Tuesday - Fundations - Complete long /e/sheet- say the name of each picture,Read the words below, circle the word  that names the picture. Write the word underneath the picture . Make a picture for the last word.

Wednesdy - Fundations - Phonics -  Complete long /e/sheet- Read each sentence. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Write the word on the line.

Thursday - Fundations - Complete Word Family -eep sheet- Cut out the beginning letters at the bottom of the page. Then paste them to complete a word that matches the picture.

Friday  -  - Fundations - Phonics Complete “Apply Long Vowel e To Decode Words in Context  Read the story. Then read the sentences. Write the words that complete the sentences. Color the picture.


ELA 5/24 to 5/28 only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

ELA 5/24 to 5/28 only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   5/24   Lesson 27
Week of 5/14 - 5/28
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
Journeys ELA work 
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p 73-77
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 186-189   Read Win a Cup   pages 190-195 
Read pages Bug and Cat pages 196-201

In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he/she breeze through it, need a little bit  of help or did they struggle through the stories.  These stories are on grade level.

5/24 Monday

Please read Please read Someone Bigger
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the reading response. “I Can Explain Why Characters Do Things 
Draw and write to answer each question about the characters in “Someone Bigger”  Remember to label your drawing.

In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
1 - walk
2- every
3- one
4- ask
 - Fundations - Phonics - Complete long e page - name each picture in the row. Circle the picture whose name has a long e sound
Complete the sight word  “walk” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -walk  - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
5/25 Tuesday
           Please reread Please read Someone Bigger
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the reading response. Draw and write about what you would see if you flew over your neighbor. Remember to add details. Remember to label your drawing.

 IN Blue Primary Composition.Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence. Will be done for HW if  in person day
1 - walk
2- every
3- one
4- ask

Fundations - Complete long /e/sheet- say the name of each picture,Read the words below, circle the word  that names the picture. Write the word underneath the picture . Make a picture for the last word.
  Complete the sight word  “every” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -every - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

5/26   Wednesday
Please read One  of Three
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Competel I can Describe Characters
Draw ta picture of the main character. Then write 3 facts to describe what she is like.

In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -eep , write 3 times each
Fundations - Phonics -  Complete long /e/sheet- 
Read each sentence. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Write the word on the line.
Complete the sight word  “one ” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - one - and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

5/27 Thursday  
Please reread One  of Three
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Compare and Contrast in a Story  - answer the questions and draw to compare and contrast
Fundations - Complete Word Family -eep sheet- Cut out the beginning letters at the bottom of the page. Then paste them to complete a word that matches the picture.
Complete the sight word  “ask ” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - ask - and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments, upload or scan the finished product.

5/28  Friday
Please read  Cross Country   it is at the end of the big book Someone Bigger
  on this Think Central link,
There is no YouTube link for this article

Compete “I Can Share About a Trip I Would Take to Another Country”
Draw a picture to show a trip you would like to take or have taken to another country. Write a sentence about our picture. Remember to label your drawing , and add details.

 - Fundations - Phonics Complete “Apply Long Vowel e To Decode Words in Context
Read the story. Then read the sentences. Write the words that complete the sentences. Color the picture.
Complete and  color the -ake  family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


5/24 to 5/28 Math - only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/24 to 5/28 Math - only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine


I can use my words to describe how and object can be measured.
Watch the video to help with the lesson.
Complete the classwork pages 829-832
Homework pages 833- 834

Tuesday14-6I can solve math problems about objects with measurable attributes by using precision.
Watch the video to help with the lesson.
Complete the classwork pages 835-838
Homework pages 839-840

Wednesdayexplore and identify coins. These pages are not in your version of the workbook they are in the small/skinny  notebook

Fluency and practice by adding and subtracting fluently with 5. Page 841
Vocabulary review and reteaching lessons pages 842-844

Practice assessment pages 845-848
Friday Assessment in class


Kindergarten Flower Contest in Google Classroom

Kindergarten Flower Contest

The Kindergarten students at PS 32 participated in a flower decorating contest this month.  

Congratulations to everyone who participated, all of the projects are amazing.  

Please watch the video and vote for your 3 (THREE) favorite flowers.  Voting will remain open until Friday, May 28 and winners will be announced Tuesday, June 1st.

Thank you


5/17 - 5/22 Math  - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/17 - 5/22 Math - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

5/17 Topic 13 assessment will be given in class

5/18 Tuesday 
14.1  I can compare objects by length and height.
Watch the video to help with the lesson.
Complete the classwork pages 805-808
Homework pages 809-810

5/19 - Wednesday
14.2  I can compare objects by capacity.Watch the video to help with the lesson.
Complete the classwork pages 811-814
Homework pages 815-816

5/20 - Thursday 
14.3  I can compare objects by weight.
Watch the video to help with the lesson.
Complete the classwork pages 817-820
Homework pages 821-822

5/21 Friday

I can use attributes to describe different objects.
Watch the video to help with the lesson.
Complete the classwork pages 823-826
Homework pages 827-828


5/17-5/22 ELA Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine in Google Classroom

5/17-5/22 ELA Only turn in if your child is at home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   5/17   Lesson 26
Week of 5/17 - 5/21
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
Journeys ELA work 
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p 67-72
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 170-173   Read pages Fun, Fun, Fun pages 174-179 
Read pages Bug and Cat pages 180-185

In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a little bit  of help or did they struggle through the stories.  These stories are on grade level.

5/17 Monday

Please read Please read Curious George Makes Pancakes
  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link 

Complete the reading response. Draw and write about something George and his friend do together. Remember to add details. Remember to label your drawing.

In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
1. just 
2. have 
3. down
4. only
Complete the sight word  “just” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -just  - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
5/18 Tuesday
Please read  Kitten;s First Full Moon

Use the PDF link below 
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link  Complete the reading response. Draw and write about when you felt sorry for kitten.. Remember to add details. Remember to label your drawing.
 IN Blue Primary Composition.Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence. Will be done for HW if  in person day1. just 2. have 3. down4. only

 Complete the sight word  “down” sheetMake a index card for the word  -down - and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

5/19   Wednesday
Please read  Kitten;s First Full Moon

Use the PDF link below 
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link  Competel I can tell about a bookDraw to show your favorite part of the book, then write a sentence to explain your picture.

In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -ake , write 3 times each
Complete and  color the -ake  family houses.
Complete the sight word  “have ” sheetMake a index card for the word  - have - and place it in your baggie or folderWhen you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product. 
5/20 Thursday  
Please read  Kitten;s First Full Moon

Use the PDF link below 
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link  Complete “I Can Put a Story in Order”  - draw a picture and write a story sentence to tell what happened at the beginning, middle, and the end of the story.
Complete the sight word  “only ” sheetMake a index card for the word  - only - and place it in your baggie or folderWhen you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

5/21  Friday
Please read  Kitten;s First Full Moon
Use the PDF link below 
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link  
Compete Performance  task -  answer the question - Why is it important to try hard?

Complete and  color the -ake  family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


5/17 - 5/22 Fundations  - only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/17 - 5/22 Fundations - only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

Monday  -  - Fundations - Phonics - Complete long a page - name each picture, write the name with a_e if you hear the long a sound

Tuesday -  Fundations - Phonics - Cut and Paste   :ake read the word match the picture

Wednesday - Fundations - Phonics -  Complete long /a/sheet-    Name each picture, color the picture if you hear the long a sound.

Thursday  - Fundations - Complete long /a/sheet- say the name of each picture,  Read the word that names the picture. Write the word underneath the picture . 
Make a picture for the last word.

 Friday - Fundations - Phonics Long A - write the word under each picture


5/10 to 5/15 Fundations  Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/10 to 5/15 Fundations Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

Monday - 

 - Fundations - Phonics - Circle & Write - Name the picture. Circle the matching word. Write it.
Tuesday -  Fundations - Phonics -Match Letter & Write the Word -glue the matching letters and write the word.
Wednesday - Fundations - Phonics -  Complete short /u/  - Write the letter u at the beginning of each row, name the picture, circle the picture with the /u/ sound  in its name .
Friday -  - Fundations - Phonics -Circle & Write - Name the picture. Circle the matching word. Write it.


5/10 to 5/14 ELA only turn in if your  child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/10 to 5/14 ELA only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   5/10   Lesson 25Week of 5/10 - 5/14Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes dailyJourneys ELA work If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p 58-61

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 154-157    Read    Six Pigs Hop  P 158-163 and read  Play It, Kid p 164-169In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a little bit  of help or did they struggle through the stories.  These stories are on grade level.

5/10 Monday

Please read  Bread Comes to Life
  on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “I Can Summarize a Text”  answer the questions by drawing and labeling.
In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
1. give
2. say
3. new

Complete the sight word  “give” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -give  - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.5/11 Tuesday
Please read  Pie in the Sky  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Put a Story in Order”  - draw a picture and write a story sentence to tell what happened at the beginning, middle, and the end of the story.
 IN Blue Primary Composition. Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence. Will be done for HW if  in person day
1. give
2. say
3. new

 Complete the sight word  “say” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -say - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

5/12   Wednesday
Please reread   on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

 Complete the Craftivity -  answer the question,
How do we get food from plants?

In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -ug , write 3 times each

Make a index card for the word  - new- and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
5/12Thursday  No School

5/14  Friday

Please reread  Pie in the Sky   on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “I Can Put Events in Order”fill out the ingredients and steps below to make a recipe for your own kind of pie - .Complete and  color the -ug  family houses.
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


5/10 to 5/14 Reading  in Google Classroom

5/10 to 5/14 Reading

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                 
               Review pages 154-157    Read    Six Pigs Hop  P 158-163 and read  Play It, Kid p 164-169
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading,
 Did he /she breeze through it, need a little bit  of help or did they struggle through the stories
.  These stories are on grade level


5/10 to 5.14 Math only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/10 to 5.14 Math only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

Monday     13-6I can build 2D shapes.I will be able to build 2D shapes that match given attributes.Watch the video to help with the lesson.Complete the classwork pages 779-782Homework pages 783-784 (send pictures)

Tuesday  13-7I can build 3D shapes.I will be able to build 3D shapes using materials.Watch the video to help with the lesson.Complete the classwork pages 785-788Homework pages 789-790 (send pictures)

 Wednesday 13-8
Fluency and practice by adding and subtracting fluently with 5. Page 791Vocabulary review and reteaching lessons pages 792-794Send page 791 and 794

FridayPractice assessment pages 795-798Send pages 797 and 798


Kindergarten Flower Contest in Google Classroom

Kindergarten Flower Contest

Please upload your flower in this assignment to enter the contest. The entry should be a photograph of only the flower. Do not include your child in the picture.


5/3 to 5/7  only turn in if your child is home due to Covid  quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/3 to 5/7 only turn in if your child is home due to Covid quarantine

Monday - 

 complete the sheet on short /u/.  read the sentence and paste the picture that matches

Tuesday - 
Match Letter & Write the Word -glue the matching letters and write the word.

Wednesday - 
                  Phonics -  Complete short /u/  - Complete and color “Gus has Fun” sheet 
Thursday - 
Complete -Building Words - use the letters to build the word that matches each picture

Friday - 
Circle & Write - Name the picture. Circle the matching word. Write it.


ELA 5/3 to 5/7  only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine in Google Classroom

ELA 5/3 to 5/7 only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   5/3   Lesson 17Week of 5/3 - 5/7Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes dailyJourneys ELA work If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p 7-11Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 26-29    Read    Can You Find It?  P 30-35 and read  Pam Pig p 36-41In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories

5/3 Monday
Please read  It Is the Wind  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete The Reading Response  - Write and draw about words the author used to help you make a picture or sound in your mind.
In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
1. find
2. but
4. came

Complete the sight word  “find” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -find  - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.5/4 Tuesday
Please read  From Caterpillar to Butterfly  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

CompleteI Can Find Onomatopeias, if the word sounds as it describes, color the word green, if not color it red
 IN Blue Primary Composition.Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence. Will be done for HW if  in person day
1. find
2. but
4. came

 - Fundations - Phonics -Match Letter & Write the Word -glue the matching letters and write the word.
 Complete the sight word  “but” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -but - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

5/5   Wednesday
Please reread  From Caterpillar to Butterfly  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete - “I Can Put a Story in Order”  Color The pictures, then cut and paste the pictures to put the story in order.

In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -ub , write 3 times each
Fundations - Phonics -  Complete short /u/  - Complete and color “Gus has Fun” sheet 
Complete the sight word  “this” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - this- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
5/6 Thursday
Please reread  From Caterpillar to Butterfly  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the Complete the Craftivity -
answer the question,”How do living things change as they grow?”

 - Fundations - Phonics - Complete -Building Words - use the letters to build the word that matches each pictureWriting  - in your  Writers Journal (Red dot  - blank on top) read a story from home and write the title in 3 - 5 sentences about the beginning, middle and end.  Full time in school - do this as HWComplete the sight word  “came” sheetMake a index card for the word  - came- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product5/7  Friday
Please read  Anisi and Grasshopper (its after From Caterpillar to Butterfly  on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “I Can Put a Story in Order” think about what happened in the story, draw a picture and write a story sentence to show what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story.

 - Fundations - Phonics -Circle & Write - Name the picture. Circle the matching word. Write it.
Complete and  color the -ub  family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


5/3 to 5/7 Marh only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine  in Google Classroom

5/3 to 5/7 Marh only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

13-1I can analyze and compare 2D shapes.Watch the video to help with the lesson.Complete the classwork pages 749-752Homework pages 753-754 (turn in)

13-2I can analyze and compare 3D shapes.Watch the video to help with the lesson.Complete the classwork pages 755-758Homework pages 759-760  (turn in)

13-3I can compare 2D and 3D shapes.Watch the video to help with the lesson.Complete the classwork pages 761-764Homework pages 765-766  (turn in)

13-4I can make sense and persevereI will be able to analyze, compare and make different2D and 3D shapes using math.Watch the video to help with the lesson.Complete the classwork pages 767-770Homework pages 771-772 ( (turn in)

13-5I can make 2D shapes from other 2D shapes.Watch the video to help with the lesson.Complete the classwork pages 773-776Homework pages 777-778  (turn in)


5/3 to 5/7 Reading from this weeks Lesson in Google Classroom

5/3 to 5/7 Reading from this weeks Lesson

Review pages 26-29    Read    Can You Find It?  P 30-35 and read  Pam Pig p 36-41In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the storieshttps://www-


4.26-4/30 Fundations - Only turn in if your child is  home due to COVID quarantine in Google Classroom

4.26-4/30 Fundations - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

Monday -
 Fundations - Phonics -  Circle and Write -  Name the picture, Circle the matching word, write it.

Tuesday -
  complete the sheet on  --op family .  trace the words on the left, then complete the words on the right.

Wednesday - 
In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -op , write 3 times each
 past the small word house on the left and write the words  on the right 
complete the large  -op house 
Fundations - Phonics -   - complete the sheet on short o.  read the sentence and paste the picture that matches
Thursday - 
Complete -op sheet - read the sentence and paste the picture that fills in the word
Friday - 
 - Match the Word - Cut out the pictures , match them to the words, glue


ELA 4/26- 4/30 Only turn if if your child is home due to COVID quarantine in Google Classroom

ELA 4/26- 4/30 Only turn if if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   4/26   Lesson 24Week of 4/26 - 4/30Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes dailyJourneys ELA work If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p 52-57Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 138-141    Read    Hog in a Hat  p142-147 and read  Kid Hid p 148-153In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories

4/26 Monday
Please read  Red Eyes or Blue Feathers on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete The Reading Response  - Write and draw about how the animal's colors help it survive. Remember to label your drawing,
In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
1. he
2. away
3. must
4. there
 - Fundations - Phonics -  Circle and Write -  Name the picture, Circle the matching word, write it.
Complete the sight word  “he” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - he - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.4/27 Tuesday
Please read  Chameleon, Chameleon  on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Craftivity - answer the question,How do animals colors help them survive?

 IN Blue Primary Composition.Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence. Will be done for HW if  in person day
1. he
2. away
3. must
4. there

 - Fundations - Phonics -  complete the sheet on  --op family .  trace the words on the left, then complete the words on the right.
 Complete the sight word  “away” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - away - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

4/28   Wednesday
Please read Amazing Animals   (after Chameleon, Chameleon)  on this Think Central link,
There is no YouTube link for this text.
Compare and Contrast the snowshoe hare and the chameleon. Complete the sentences.

In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -op , write 3 times each
Complete and  color the -ot  family houses.  glue the small house to the left side of the page 📄 , wtite the words on the right.

Fundations - Phonics -   - complete the sheet on short o.  read the sentence and paste the picture that matches

Complete the sight word  “must” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - must- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
4/29 Thursday
Please read or recall all of this weeks texts on these  Think Central links 
 Red Eyes or Blue Feathers on this Think Central link,
 Chameleon, Chameleon and Amazing Animals  on this Think Central link,

Complete the “I Can Share About the Animal  with the Best Camouflage”   sheet
Draw a picture of the animal that you think has the best camouflage, Write a sentence about your picture.
 - Fundations - Phonics - Complete -ot sheet - read the sentence and paste the picture that fills in the wordWriting  - in your  Writers Journal (Red dot  - blank on top) read a story from home and write the title in 3 - 5 sentences about the problem your character has in the story.  Full time in school - do this as HWComplete the sight word  “there” sheetMake a index card for the word  - there- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product4/30  Friday

Complete the reading response on making new words. -Change a letter in the first word to make a word for the picture.

 - Fundations - Phonics - Match the Word - Cut out the pictures , match them to the words, glue
Complete short o  - Complete and color “A Job” sheet
Complete and  color the -ot  family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


4/26 - 4/30 Math - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine in Google Classroom

4/26 - 4/30 Math - Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

Monday - 12.8

I can use precision to describe position of shapes in the

Watch the video to help you with the lesson

Complete the classwork pages 727-730

Turn in -  HW pages 721-722


Topic 12 fluency practice activity

I can add and subtract fluently to 5

Page 723


Vocabulary and reteach

Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.

Students will be able to identify and describe 2 and 3 dimensional
shapes and their positions in the environment
Complete review pages 734-738

Turn in -  738

Lesson NY-3 in the skinny book.  I can duplicate and extend patterns. Complete the classwork Pages N17 - 20Turn in HW - N21-22

Students will be able to identify and describe 2 and 3 dimensional
shapes and their positions in the environment
Complete pages 739-744
Turn in - 744

Friday -    Assessment - will be done when your chld returns            Complete the color by shape picture sheets


4/19 -4/23 Math  - Only turn if you child is home due to COVID quarantining  in Google Classroom

4/19 -4/23 Math - Only turn if you child is home due to COVID quarantining

Monday  Lesson 12.3


I can identify squares and other rectangles.

I will be able to identify and describe squares and other

Watch the video to help with the lesson.

Complete the classwork pages 697-700

Homework pages 701-702 (optional)

only send me page 📄 700



 Tuesday  Lesson 12.4Ientify hexagons.

I will be able to identify and describe hexagons.

Watch the video to help with the lesson.

Complete the classwork pages 703-706

Homework pages 707-708 (optional)

only send me page 📄  706



Wednesday   Lesson 12-5


I can identify solid figures.

I will be able to identify and describe solid figures.

Watch the video to help with the lesson.

Complete the classwork pages 709-712.

Homework pages 713-714(optional)

only send me page 📄  712




Thursday  Lesson  12-6


I can describe shapes in the environment.

I will be able to describe shapes in the environment.

Watch the video to help with the lesson.

Complete the classwork pages 715-718

Homework pages 719-720(optional)

only send me page 📄 718




Friday  Lesson  12-7


I can describe the position of shapes in the environment.

I will be able to describe position of shapes in the environment

Watch the video to help with the lesson.

Complete the classwork pages 721-724

Homework pages 725-726. (optional)

only send me page 📄  724


4/19 - 4/23 ELA only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine in Google Classroom

4/19 - 4/23 ELA only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

ELA   4/19   Lesson 23Week of 4/19 - 4/23Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes dailyJourneys ELA work If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p.46, 48,49,50Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below                                                Review pages 122-125    Read    My Pet Dog  p126-131 and read  Ben and Jen p 132-137In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories

4/19 Monday
Please read  Oscar and the Frog on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete The stages of a frogs life. Illustrate and label the stages.
In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
2. over
3. her
4. some
 - Fundations - Phonics - Complete and color the sheet on short o 1- color the pictures with the short o sound 2-Circle the words with the short o sound, then write 3 words with the short o sound
Complete the sight word  “she” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - she - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
4/20 Tuesday
Please read   Zinnia’s Flower Garden on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Illustrate Cause and Effect ” After reading  Zinnia’s Flower Garden
Have an adult read each cause to and , then draw and label what will happen now. (RIK3)

 IN Blue Primary Composition.Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence.
2. over
3. her
4. some

 - Fundations - Phonics -  complete the sheet on  --ot family .   Match the picture on the bottom to the correct --ot word Complete the sight word  “over” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - over - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

4/21   Wednesday
Please reread   Zinnia’s Flower Garden on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Craftivity - answer the question,What steps do you follow to plant and grow flowers? 
In the Blue Primary Composition notebook generate words for the word family -ot , write 3 times each
Fundations - Phonics -   - complete the sheet on short o.   Name the picture, color the spelling, write it.

Complete the sight word  “her” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - her- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
4/22 Thursday
Please reread or recall    Zinnia’s Flower Garden on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the “I CanCreate Labels” sheet
Look at each picture and think about what it is and what it is used for. Write the correct label for each picture from the word bank.
 - Fundations - Phonics - Complete -ot sheet - read the sentence and paste the picture that fills in the wordWriting  - in your  Writers Journal (Red dot  - blank on top) read a story from home and write the title in 3 - 5 sentences about the main idea (mostly about) and setting (where the story took place) of the story. Full time in school - do this as HWComplete the sight word  “some” sheetMake a index card for the word  - some- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product4/23  Friday

Please reread or recall    Zinnia’s Flower Garden on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
 Growing sunflowers (it is after Zinnias, Flower Garden)   There is no ouTube link for this.

After reading both texts think about how they are alike and different, In the chart compare (same) and contrast(different) the 2 texts 
 - Fundations - Phonics - Complete short o  - the match the picture to the word in each box   
Complete and  color the -ot family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


4/19 - 4/23 Fundations  Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine in Google Classroom

4/19 - 4/23 Fundations Only turn in if your child is home due to COVID quarantine

Monday -  Complete and color the sheet on short o 1- color the pictures with the short o sound 2-Circle the words with the short o sound, then write 3 words with the short o sound
Tuesday   - complete the sheet on  --ot family .   Match the picture on the bottom to the correct --ot word Complete the sight word  “over” sheet
Wednesday - 
Thursday - 
Friday -


4/12-4/16 Math - Only turn in if your child is home quarantining . in Google Classroom

4/12-4/16 Math - Only turn in if your child is home quarantining .

MondayTopic 11  fluency practice activity

I can add and subtract fluently to 5

Page 667


Vocabulary and reteach

Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.

Students will be able to count to 100

Complete review pages 668-669

Only turn in page 669



Students will use strategies to count to 100

Complete pages 671-674

Only turn in page 674
WednesdayMath assessment - will be given when your child returns
Thursday12-1I can name shapes as flat or solidsI can identify 2 and 3 dimensional shapesWatch the  Video to help you with the lesson.Complete classwork pages 685-688Turn in -  HW pages 689-690

Friday12-2I can identify and describe circles and trianglesWatch the  Video to help you with the lesson.Complete classwork pages 691-694Turn in -  HW pages 695-696


4/12 - 4/16 Fundations   Only turn in if your chil is home quarantining  in Google Classroom

4/12 - 4/16 Fundations Only turn in if your chil is home quarantining

Monday - 
Complete and color the sheet on short i  - “Match the Word”,  cut out the the pictures on the bottom and glue next to the word they match

Tuesday - 
Complete the  - in family word page, Match the picture on the bottom to the word.
Complete the  Short i page , “What’s Missing” name each picture, write the missing letter.  
In the Blue notebook generate words for the  -it word family, write 3 times each - Complete and  color the -in family houses.
Complete the  - in Complete the sentence  sheet Fill in the missing words on the sentences. Use the pictures on the bottom to help you.
FridayComplete the short i  -Name the picture, Color the spelling. Write it.


ELA  Week of 4/12 - 4/16    Eric Carle   Only turn in if your child is hoe due to quarantine. 

 in Google Classroom

ELA Week of 4/12 - 4/16 Eric Carle Only turn in if your child is hoe due to quarantine.

ELA   4/12   Eric CarleWeek of 4/12 - 4/16  Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
4/12 Monday
Please read  The Grouchy Ladybug by  Eric Carle if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete the reading response sheet on what I learned ,Draw a picture of a ladybug, then  fill in the time on the bottom of the sheet.. 
Sel to text - draw a picture of when you feel grouchy and complete the sentence..

In you blue primary notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this weeks sight words 2 times each
2. up  (done already)
3. any
4. in
Complete and color the sheet on short i  - “Match the Word”,  cut out the the pictures on the bottom and glue next to the word they match
Complete the sight word  “funny” sheet
Make a index card for the word  -“funny and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
4/13 Tuesday
Please read The Very Quite Cricket,by Eric Carle  if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link

Complete “The Very Quite Cricket, Character - Setting, and finish the sentence -The little cricket was born from an ___ by drawing a picture and labeling it.. 
Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence.
2. up  (done already)
3. any
4. in

Complete the  - in family word page, Match the picture on the bottom to the word.
Complete the sight word  up” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - up- and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
4/14   Wednesday
Please read  Pancakes Pancakes! by Eric Carle If you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete “ Pancakes Pancakes!” response -Put the tasks from the next page in the right order then illustrate and label  each task .
Complete the  Short i page , “What’s Missing” name each picture, write the missing letter.
In the Blue notebook generate words for the  -it word family, write 3 times each - 
Complete the sight word  “any” sheet
You should already have an index card for the word  - any- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

 4/15 Thursday
Please read Have You Seen My Cat,  by Eric Carle if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete “ Have You Seen My Cat,”response  sheet.   Draw and illustrate how the boy feels at the beginning and the end of the story,
Complete the  - in Complete the sentence  sheet Fill in the missing words on the sentences. Use the pictures on the bottom to help you.

Complete the sight word  “in” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - in  and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product
4.16 Friday 
Please read  Mister Seahorse  by Eric Carle if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete -   “Which Book Was Your Favorite” or “If I Met Eric Carle  - Complete the short i  -Name the picture, Color the spelling. Write it.Complete and  color the -in family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


4/5 to 4/9 Fundations  Only turn in if your child is quarntined at home in Google Classroom

4/5 to 4/9 Fundations Only turn in if your child is quarntined at home

Monday - Complete and color the sheet on short i - Match the Word cut out the the pictures on the bottom and glue next to the word they match

Tuesday - Complete and color the - in family word page

Wednesday - Complete the Circle & Write __in family sheet. Name the picture, circle the matching word, write the word.In the Blue notebook 
. complete and glue small -in house on right side of page   -create word families for -in , write 3 times each -

Thursday - Complete the - in Match Words with Each Picture sheet , Draw a line from each word to the correct picture, then ‘trace the words on the left and draw a picture of one of the words.

Friday - Complete the short i - Read the sentence sheet. Cut out the pictures, read the sentences and glue the matching picture in the box.


4/5 to 4/9 Math  Only turn in if your child quarntined at home in Google Classroom

4/5 to 4/9 Math Only turn in if your child quarntined at home


I can count by tens to 100

Using a hundred chart and base 10 blocks, I can skip count to 100
by tens

Watch the  Video to help you with the lesson.

Complete classwork pages 637-640

Optional - HW pages 641-642

Only turn in page 640


I can count by tens and ones numbers to 100

Using Base 10 blocks I can count to 100

Watch the  Video to help you with the lesson.

Complete classwork pages 643-646

Optional - HW pages 647-648

Only turn in page 646


I can count forward from any number to 100 by ones

Using a tens frames I can count forward to 100 by ones

Watch the  Video to help you with the lesson.

Complete classwork pages 649-652

Optional - HW pages 653-643

Only turn in page 652



I can use patterns to count to 100

Using a hundreds chart, I can count by tens and ones from any
number up to 100

Watch the  Video to help you with the lesson.

Complete class work pages 655- 658

Optional - HW page 659-660

Only turn in page 658



I can look for and use structure to count by tens and ones

I will be able to  use a hundreds chart to count forward by
tens and ones

Watch the  Video to help you with the lesson.

Complete classwork pages 661-664

Optional - HW pages 665-666

Only turn in page 664


4/5 to 4/9 ELA only turn in if your child is quarntined at home in Google Classroom

4/5 to 4/9 ELA only turn in if your child is quarntined at home

ELA   4/5   Eric CarleWeek of 4/5 - 4/9  Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
4/5 Monday
Please read  The Very Hungery Caterpillar  by Eric Carle if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete the reading response sheet on key information

In you blue primary notebook, write your name 2 times  and write each of this weeks sight words 2 times each
2. little
3. jump
4. help
Complete and color the sheet on short i  - Match the Word cut out the the pictures on the bottom and glue next to the word they match
Complete the sight word  “big” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - big- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
3/2 Tuesday
Please read  Little Cloud by Eric Carle  if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link

Complete “The Little Cloud  Sequencing sheet  Cut out one set of  pictures from the following page and glue in  sequential order.
Write your name 2 times  and write a sentence for  each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence.
2. little
3. jump
4. help

Complete and color the  - in family word page
Complete the sight word  “little” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - little- and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
3/3   Wednesday
Please read  The Mixed up Chameleon  by Eric Carle If you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete “The Mixed up Chameleon” response - What makes you special.
Complete the  Circle & Write  __in family sheet. Name the picture, circle the matching word, write the word.
In the Blue notebook create word families for -in , write 3 times each - 
Complete the sight word  “jump” sheet
You should already have an index card for the word  - jump- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
3/4 Thursday
Please read  Papa Please Get the Moon For Me  by Eric Carle if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete “Papa Please Get the Moon for Me”  story elements sheet. Draw and label or write in each space for character, setting, beginning, middle end.
Complete the  - in Match Words with Each Picture sheet , Draw a line from each word to the correct picture, then ‘trace the words on the left and draw a picture of one of the words.
Complete the sight word  “help” sheet
Make a index card for the word  - help  and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product
3/12 Friday 
Please read  The Tiny Seed  by Eric Carle if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete the “Reading Response onThe Tiny Seed, ” sheet. Write and draw about what you learned, add a detail and label it Complete the short i  - Read the sentence sheet. Cut out the pictures, read the sentences and glue the matching picture in the box.Complete and  color the -in family houses.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


Staff Appreciation Project in Google Classroom

Staff Appreciation Project

Hi everyone!! This May, we will celebrate Staff Appreciation Week and recognize all of the teachers, paras, aids, secretaries, service providers, nurse, and everyone who works hard at PS32 to make sure our school community is great!

This is a voluntary project. I have attached a slide for each of you to use to upload pictures, drawings and messages to your teachers, paras or anyone you want to send a special message to.

Try your best to participate. This project is due by April 5th! Once all of the slides have been submitted, we will create videos for everyone to enjoy!!

If anyone needs help, please reach out to Mrs. Coco directly either in the assignment, or by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank you!!


🏫👩‍🎓📷📹Kindergarten Stepping Up Photo📹📷👩‍🎓🏫 in Google Classroom

🏫👩‍🎓📷📹Kindergarten Stepping Up Photo📹📷👩‍🎓🏫

The photo should be similar in nature to that of a school photo. Head shot - generally from the chest up… No props, hats, hoods, pets, etc. in photo. Try to keep the background simple. Thank you so very much for your cooperation.


3/22 to 3/26 Reading  in Google Classroom

3/22 to 3/26 Reading

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 106-109 Read A Good Job p110-115 and read Fit It p 116-121

In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories


3/26 ELA in Google Classroom

3/26 ELA

3/26 Friday Please reread or remember both of this week's stories

A Tiger Grows Up on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Leo the Late Bloomer
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the Craftivity - answer the question, How do things change as you grow up?

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/26 Math 11.2 in Google Classroom

3/26 Math 11.2

I can count using patterns to 50
Using a hundreds chart, I can count to 50
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 631-634
Optional - HW pages 635-636
Only turn in page 634


3/26 Fundations in Google Classroom

3/26 Fundations

Complete and color the sheet on short e -- the match the word page
Complete and color the -en family houses.
Turn in here


3/25 ELA in Google Classroom

3/25 ELA

3/25 Thursday
Please reread Leo the Late Bloomer on this Think Central link,
Leo the Late Bloomer is a fantasy story about growing up at your own pace.
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the “I Can Analyze a Story” sheet
Answer the questions in each box

Writing - in your Writers Journal (Red - blank on top) read a story from home and write the title in 2-3 sentences about the main idea (mostly about) Example -Knuffle Bunny Too - The bunnies got switched at school. The dads made and exchange. Trixie made her first friend.
Complete the sight word “could” sheet
Make a index card for the word - could- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/25 Fundations in Google Classroom

3/25 Fundations

- Fundations - Phonics -
Complete -en sheet - read the sentence and paste the picture that fills in the word.
Turn in here.


3/25 Math  11.1  in Google Classroom

3/25 Math 11.1

I can count using patterns to 30
Using a hundreds chart, I can count to 30
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 625-628
Optional - HW pages 629-630
Only turn in page 628


3/24 ELA in Google Classroom

3/24 ELA

3/24 Wednesday

Complete “I Can Label with Pronouns” Use the words from the word bank to label each picture with a pronoun we would use to describe what we see. Then color the pictures
Complete and color the -en family houses.

In the Blue Primary Composition notebook - Glue the small house to the left side of the next 2 clean pages and
Then generate words for the word family -en , write 3 times each

Complete the sight word “ate” sheet
Make a index card for the word - ate- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/24 Fundations in Google Classroom

3/24 Fundations

Fundations - Phonics - - complete the sheet on short e. Match the picture on the bottom to the correct sentence.
Turn in here.


Topic 10 Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 10 Online Assessment


3/23 ELA in Google Classroom

3/23 ELA

3/23 Tuesday
Please read Leo the Late Bloomer on this Think Central link,
Leo the Late Bloomer is a fantasy story about growing up at your own pace.
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I CanTell About a Story ” After reading Leo the Late Bloomer
Answer the questions and draw to explain - who, what, how and you favorite part

IN Blue Primary Composition.Write your name 2 times and write a sentence for each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence.
1. then
2. good
3. ate
4. could

- Fundations - Phonics - Complete and color the sheet on the -en family. Match the letter on the bottom to the correct picture , then write the word on the line .
Complete the sight word “good” sheet
Make a index card for the word - good - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/23 Math pre assessment in Google Classroom

3/23 Math pre assessment

Students will use strategies to add and subtract numbers to 20
Complete pages 615-620
Only turn in page 618


3/23 Fundations  in Google Classroom

3/23 Fundations

Complete and color the sheet on the -en family. Match the letter on the bottom to the correct picture , then write the word on the line .


3/22 ELA in Google Classroom

3/22 ELA

Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily

Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p.25,26,28, 31,32

3/22 Monday
Please read A Tiger Grows Up on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete Think about how the baby tiger went from being helpless to learning how to do many things as she grew. Draw and write about one of the things tigers learn to do as it grows up. WKRLK3
In you blue primary composition notebook, write your name 2 times and write each of this week's sight words 3 times each
1. then
2. good
3. ate
4. could

Complete the sight word “then” sheet
Make a index card for the word - then - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/22 Fundations  in Google Classroom

3/22 Fundations

Fundations - Phonics - Complete and color the sheet on short e Circle the word that matches the picture, then write the word
Upload only that here.


3/22 Math  Fluency, Vocabulary and Reteach in Google Classroom

3/22 Math Fluency, Vocabulary and Reteach

Topic 10 fluency practice activity
I can add and subtract fluently to 5
Page 609

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able add and subtract numbers to 20.
Complete review pages 610-614
Only turn in page 614


3/15 to 3/19 Reading  in Google Classroom

3/15 to 3/19 Reading

Week of 3/15 - 3/19
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p.25,26,28, 31,32

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 74-77 Read The Big Dig p78-83 and read We Fit p 84-89
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories


3/19 Fundations Post Nothing if yu were in school. in Google Classroom

3/19 Fundations Post Nothing if yu were in school.

Fundations-Complete and color the short e sheet

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/19 Math  10.7 Post Nothing if yu were in school. in Google Classroom

3/19 Math 10.7 Post Nothing if yu were in school.

I can use patterns to make and find parts of numbers to 19
I will be able to use patterns to make and find parts of numbers to 19
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 603-606
Optional - HW pages 607-608
Only turn in page 606


3/19 ELA  Post Nothing if yu were in school. in Google Classroom

3/19 ELA Post Nothing if yu were in school.

3/19 Friday
Read or remember both of this week's stories

Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Duck and Goose on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Craftivity - answering the question What do scientists do when thy discover something.
Complete and color the -ed family houses.
Fundations-Complete and color the short e sheet

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/18 Fundations  Post nothing if you were in school in Google Classroom

3/18 Fundations Post nothing if you were in school

Complete -ed sheet - read the sentence and paste the picture that fills in the word


3/18 Math 10.6  Post nothing if you were in school. in Google Classroom

3/18 Math 10.6 Post nothing if you were in school.

I can find parts of 17, 18, and 19
Using a tens frames and pictures I can find parts of 17, 18, and 19
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Watch the Video to help you with the 597-600
Optional - HW page 601-602
Only turn in page 600


3/18 ELA  Post nothing if you were in school in Google Classroom

3/18 ELA Post nothing if you were in school

3/18 Thursday
Please reread Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Reading Response - remember the labels on the dinosaurs in the story. Write and draw about something you would like to see during a museum visit, remember to label your drawing.
Complete -ed sheet - read the sentence and paste the picture that fills in the word
Complete the sight word “into” sheet
Make a index card for the word - into- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/17 ELA ☘🍀Post nothing if you were in school in Google Classroom

3/17 ELA ☘🍀Post nothing if you were in school

3/17 Wednesday
Please read Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Visualize a Story” After reading Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery ‘’Read the selection and try to see a picture of it in your head. Then draw the picture you envision. Label the pictures.

In the Blue notebook create word families for -ed , write 3 times each on the right had side of the page .
Complete the little house place it on the left had side of the page
Complete the sight word “when” sheet
Make a index card for the word - when- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/17 Math 10.5  Post nothing if you were in school in Google Classroom

3/17 Math 10.5 Post nothing if you were in school

I can find parts of 14, 15, and 16
Using a tens frames and pictures I can find parts of 14,15, and 16
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 591-594
Optional - HW pages 595-596
Only turn in page 594


3/17 Fundations Post nothing if you were in school in Google Classroom

3/17 Fundations Post nothing if you were in school

In the Blue notebook create word families for -ed , write 3 times each
Complete and color the -ed family houses.
Fundations - complete the sheet on short e


3/15 Math 10.3 in Google Classroom

3/15 Math 10.3

I can make 17, 18, and 19
Using tens frames, drawings, and equations I can make 17, 18, and 19
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 579-582
Optional - HW pages 583-584
Only turn in page 582


3/15 ELA  in Google Classroom

3/15 ELA

Week of 3/15 - 3/19
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily

3/15 Monday
Please read Duck and Goose on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete Think about the story,and how Duck and Goose felt. Draw a conclusion about how the characters feelings changed from the beginning to the end.
In you blue primary notebook, write your name 2 times and write each of this weeks sight words 3 times each
1. them
2. all
3. when
4. into
Complete and color the sheet on short e
Complete the sight word “them” sheet
Make a index card for the word - them - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/15 fundations in Google Classroom

3/15 fundations

Complete Short e page


3/8 - 3/12 Fundations -No need to turn in anything when we are in school full time in Google Classroom

3/8 - 3/12 Fundations -No need to turn in anything when we are in school full time

Monday - Complete and color the sheet on the -an family and Unit 3 Wk5 day1
Tuesday - Complete and color the sheet on the -an family and Unit 3 Wk5 day2
Wednesday - Complete and color the sheet on the -an family and Unit 3 Wk5 day3
Thursday - Complete -at / -an picture sort and Unit 3 Wk5 day4


3/8 - 3/12 Math  No need to turn in anything as long as we are in school in Google Classroom

3/8 - 3/12 Math No need to turn in anything as long as we are in school

Topic 9 fluency practice activity
I can add and subtract fluently to 5
Page 555
Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to count, recognize, read and write numbers 0 to 20.
Complete review pages 556-558

Students will use strategies to count, read, and write numbers 0 to 20
Complete pages 559-562

Take assessment

Thursday 10-1
I can make 11,12, and 13
Using tens frames, drawings, and equations I can make 1, 12, and 13
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 567-570
HW pages 571-572

Friday 10-2
I can make 14,15 and 16
Using tens frames, drawings, and equations I can make 14, 15, and 16
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 573-576
HW pages5 77-578


3/8 -3/12 ELA No Need to turn in anything if we are in person. in Google Classroom

3/8 -3/12 ELA No Need to turn in anything if we are in person.

ELA 3/8 Lesson 19
Week of 3/8 - 3/12
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
Journeys ELA work

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p.19-23

3/8 Monday
Please read Nicky and the Rainy Day on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete”I Can Put a Story in Order”. Think about the story, and number the pictures in order.
In you blue primary notebook, write your name 2 times and write each of this weeks sight words 3 times each
1. for
2. here
3. soon
4. up
Complete and color the sheet on the -an family
Complete the sight word “for” sheet
Make a index card for the word - for - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
3/9 Tuesday
Please reread Nicky and the Rainy Day on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “Cause and Effect”. Draw to show what happened because of each “cause”. Then write a short sentence for your picture.
Write your name 2 times and write a sentence for each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence.
1. for
2. here
3. soon
4. up

Complete and color the sheet on the -an family
Complete the sight word “here” sheet
Make a index card for the word - here - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

3/10 Wednesday
Please read Sheep Take a Hike on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Put a Story in Order” After reading ‘Sheep Take a Hike’ Color the pictures. Then cut and paste the pictures to put the story in order.
Complete the sentences for the -an family, Fill in the missing words on the sentences
In the Blue notebook create word families for -an , write 3 times each
Complete the sight word “soon” sheet
Make a index card for the word - soon- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

3/11 Thursday
Please read Sheep Take a Hike on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
After reading, think about cause and effect. Choose a cause from the list, draw and illustrate the effect. Write a sentence about the effect.
Complete -at / -an picture sort
Complete the sight word “up” sheet
Make a index card for the word - up- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product
3/12 Friday
A sentence that tells about how you think or feel about something is an opinion.When you tell why you have that opinion it is a reason.
EX- I love going to the park. I can see lots of birds and other animals. I can row a boat across the pond.
Complete the “I Can Explain My Opinion” sheet. Colorado show your opinion about the theme of the picture. Then by sounding out, tell why you feel that way.
Complete and color the -an family houses.
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/5 Fundations in Google Classroom

3/5 Fundations

Complete and color the -at family houses.
Review and practice your sight words
Optional - Read Across America Sheet - My favorite Dr. Seuss book is.....


3/5 ELA in Google Classroom

3/5 ELA

3/12 Friday
Please read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete the “Reading Response on Green Eggs and Ham” sheet. Write and draw about what you don't like.
Complete and color the -at family houses.
Writing - Complete the writing activity “Which is your favorite Dr. Seuss book, and tell why.
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/5 Math 9.7 in Google Classroom

3/5 Math 9.7

I can use reasoning to count and write numbers to the number 20
I will be able to use reasoning to count to 20
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 549-552
Optional - HW pages 553-554
turn in only page 551


3/4 ELA in Google Classroom

3/4 ELA

3/4 Thursday
Please read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link

Complete “Graphing Goldfish”, counting each fish in the book that is green, Blue, red, and yellow.

Writing - In the Primary Composition book (blank on top) read or recall any Dr. Seuss book and write about anything silly.
Complete the sight word “because” sheet
Make a index card for the word - because- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


3/4 Fundations in Google Classroom

3/4 Fundations

Complete and color the sheet secret words on short vowels


3/3 ELA in Google Classroom

3/3 ELA

3/3 Wednesday
Please read The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link
Complete “How Long Is My Foot” trace your foot and use pennies, paperclips and something else of your choice to measure your foot

In the Blue notebook create word families for -at , write 3 times each - see the example in the packet
Complete the sight word “about” sheet
Make a index card for the word - about- and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/3 Math 9.6 in Google Classroom

3/3 Math 9.6

I can count to find how many are in a group
I will be able to count to find how many
Watch the Video to help you with the 543-546
Optional - HW page 547-548
Only turn in page 546


3/2 Fundations in Google Classroom

3/2 Fundations

Complete and color the sheet on short a turn in here

Do not turn in sight word sentences here


3/2 Math  in Google Classroom

3/2 Math

I can count any number forward within 20
Using a tens frame I can count forward from any number to 20
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 537-540
Optional - HW pages 541-542
Only turn in page 540


3/2 ELA  Dr. Seuss' Birthday🧁 in Google Classroom

3/2 ELA Dr. Seuss' Birthday🧁

3/2 Tuesday
Please read The Cat in the Hat Comes Back by Dr. Seuss if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link

Complete “Would you like to play with Thing 1 & thing 2?” Choose yes or no. Then write to explain why or why nor and illustrate
Write your name 2 times and write a sentence for each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence.
1. please
2. friend
3. about
4. because

Complete and color the sheet on short a
Complete the sight word “friend” sheet
Make a index card for the word - friend - and place it in your baggie or folder
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/1 Fundations in Google Classroom

3/1 Fundations

Complete and color the sheet on the -at family (Hat)
You can cut it out and put it on a strip of paper, if you like.


3/1 ELA in Google Classroom

3/1 ELA

3/1 Monday
Please read The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss if you have it. If not you can follow along with this YouTube link

Complete “Character Traits for Thing One and Thing Two”. Think about the story, and list 2-4 character traits for Thing One and Two.
In you blue primary notebook, write your name 2 times and write each of this weeks sight words 2 times each
1. please
2. friend
3. about
4. because
Complete and color the sheet on the -at family
Complete the sight word “please” sheet
Make a index card for the word - please - and place it in your baggie or folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


3/1 Math 9.4 in Google Classroom

3/1 Math 9.4

I can count and write 18, 19, and 20
Using a tens frame I can show 18,19, and 20
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 531-534
Optional - HW pages 535-536
Only turn in page 534


2/22 - 2/26 Reading in Google Classroom

2/22 - 2/26 Reading

ELA 2/22 Lesson 15
Week of 2/22 - 2/26

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 148-149 Read Mac and Pam Cat p150-153 read Fit in My Cab p 154-157
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories


2/26 ELA in Google Classroom

2/26 ELA

2/26 Friday
Please reread What a Beautiful Sky and What Will the Weather Be Like?
on the link below
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link, there is no link for the second story.
Complete the reading response sheet-
Think about how the two texts are alike and different. Draw and write at least 1 way the two texts ate the same.
Tapping out page - listen to your teacher write a letter for each sound in the card(box)
Then write it on the line.
Log on to Lexia and read on Raz Kids
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


2/26 Math in Google Classroom

2/26 Math

I can count and write 16 and 17
Using a tens frame I can show 16 and 17
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 525-528
Optional - HW pages 529-530
Only turn in page 528


2/26 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/26 Fundations

Complete the CVC sheet
Listen to the words and write the sounds in each box, then write the word on the line. Turn in here.


2/25 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/25 Fundations

Complete the CVC word sheet, turn it in here please.


2/25 ELA in Google Classroom

2/25 ELA

2/25 Thursday
Please reread What a Beautiful Sky on the link below
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I CanShare About What We Can See in the Daytime Sky ”.Draw a picture to show what we can see in the sky. in the daytime. Write a sentence about your picture.
Complete the phonics page - Fill in the missing sounds -
Complete the sight word “many” sheet
Make a index card for the word - many- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


2/25 Math in Google Classroom

2/25 Math

I can count and write 13 ,14, and 15
Using a tens frame I can show 13 ,14, and 15
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 519-522
Optional - HW pages 523-524
Only turn in page 522


2/24 Math in Google Classroom

2/24 Math

I can count and write 11 and 12
Using a tens frame I can show 11 and 12
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 513-516
Optional - HW pages 517-518
Only turn in page 516


2/24 ELA in Google Classroom

2/24 ELA

2/24 Wednesday
Please read What a Beautiful Sky on the link below
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “I CanShare About What We Can See in the Daytime Sky ”.Draw a picture to show what we can see in the sky. in the daytime. Write a sentence about your picture.

Complete the “Medial Vowel Search” sheet. Circle the vowel you hear as you tap out the word. turn in under fundations.

Writing - in your writers journal notebook ( blank on top, lines on bottom)
Answer - “What is your favorite book? Tell why it is your favorite.

Complete the sight word “last” sheet

Make a index card for the word - last- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/24 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/24 Fundations

Complete the CVC vowel sheet


Topic 8  Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 8 Online Assessment


2/23 ELA in Google Classroom

2/23 ELA

2/23 Tuesday
Please reread How Many Stars in the Sky? on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the reading response to How Many Stars in the Sky? Think about what the boy and his dad noticed in the sky. Draw a picture of the night sky, and write a sentence about a detail in your picture.
Complete the “Medial Vowel Search” sheet. Circle the vowel you hear as you tap out the word.
Write your name 2 times and write a sentence for each of this week's sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence. (Blue primary notebook)
1. first
2. next
3. last
4. make
Complete the sight word “next” sheet
Make a index card for the word - next - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/23 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/23 Fundations

Complete and color, - sheet on CVC vowel sounds.
Sentences should be turned in under ELA, please.


2/22 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/22 Fundations

Complete the sheet on cvc vowel sounds


2/22 ELA in Google Classroom

2/22 ELA

ELA 2/22 Lesson 15
Week of 2/22 - 2/26
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 1 p87, 89, 92-94

2/22 Monday
Please read How Many Stars in the Sky? on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Sequence of Events sheet. Think about what happened First (in the beginning), Next (middle of the story), and Last (how did the story end)
Complete the “Medial Vowel Search” sheet. Circle the vowel you hear as you tap out the word.
In you blue primary notebook, write your name 2 times and write each of this weeks sight words 3 times each
1. first
2. next
3. last
4. make
Complete the sight word “first” sheet
Make a index card for the word - first - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
Read independently for 20 minutes per day,(Raz Kids) Use Lexia

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/22 Math in Google Classroom

2/22 Math

Topic 8 Fluency practice activity
I can add and subtract fluently
Page 495

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to add and subtract to solve problems
Complete review pages 496- 500
Only turn in page -500


ELA 2/8 - 2/12 in Google Classroom

ELA 2/8 - 2/12

ELA 2/8 Lesson 18
Week of 2/8 - 2/12
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 42-45 Read Nat Tim, and Tan Sam p46-51 and read Rip Is It p 52-57
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories


2/11 Math   SOLVE in Google Classroom

2/11 Math SOLVE

Suplemental Math
Addition and Subtraction with Pennies
You can print the pages below if you dont have the book,
you can open in kami and work on the page if you have a touch screen
or you can do it with real pennies and take a photo

SOLVE Math - you can if you would like - Complete the SOLVE Math sheet - optional


2/11 ELA  in Google Classroom

2/11 ELA

2/11 Thursday
Review Verb Tense
Complete “I Can Create Sentences With Future Tense Verbs” fill in the blanks with future tense verbs from the word bank to complete each sentence to match the picture.
Complete the Color by Letter for review
Complete the sight word “who” sheet
Make a index card for the word - who- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


Writing (Informational) Assignment in Google Classroom

Writing (Informational) Assignment

I will meet with each child in small groups.
I hope to be able to collect the work in person, but I may not get the chance, so please upload it here.
Please try NOT to help your child as much as you possiably can,
children should be writing the sounds they hear
Please encourage your child to write 3 - 4 facts
Use labels in your drawing
Read back what you wrote


2/10 ELA in Google Classroom

2/10 ELA

2/10 Wednesday
Please read Atlantic on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “The Task Craftivity” Answer the question - How is the Atlantic Ocean Important?
Complete the Color by Letter for review
Complete the sight word “that” sheet
Make a index card for the word - that- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/10 Math 8.10 in Google Classroom

2/10 Math 8.10

I can find the missing part of 10
I will be able to continue to find the missing part of 10
Using keywords, cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve a problem..
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 489-492
Optional- HW pages 493-494
Only turn in page -492


2/10 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/10 Fundations

Complete color by letter for review


2/9 Math 8.9 in Google Classroom

2/9 Math 8.9

I can find number partners for 10
I will be able to find the missing part of 10
Using keywords, cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve a problem..
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 483-486
Optional- HW pages 487-488
Only turn in page -486


2/9 ELA  in Google Classroom

2/9 ELA

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.
2/9 Tuesday
Please reread One Dog Canoe on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “Reading Response”. Think about the animals in the canoe, choose which one you would like to have in your canoe, draw a picture and write a sentence. Label your picture
Write your name 2 times and write a sentence for each of this weeks sight words, underline the sight word in the sentence.
1. will
2. your
3. that
4. who
Complete the Color by Letter for review
Complete the sight word “your” sheet
Make a index card for the word - your - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/8 Math 8.8 in Google Classroom

2/8 Math 8.8

I can write an addition equation to solve a word problem
I will be able to solve a word problem when both addends are known
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve a problem
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 477-480
Optional- HW pages 481-482
Only turn in page -480


2/8 ELA in Google Classroom

2/8 ELA

ELA 2/8 Lesson 18
Week of 2/8 - 2/12
Please log into Lexia and Raz Kids daily for a minimum of 15 minutes daily
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p.13--18

2/8 Monday
Please read One Dog Canoe on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete”I CanAnalyze & Evaluate a Text”. Answer the 4 questions- draw a picture and write a label for each
Write your name 2 times and write each of this weeks sight words 3 times each
1. will
2. your
3. that
4. who

Complete the sight word “will” sheet
Make a index card for the word - will - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


Reading  for week 2/1-2/5 in Google Classroom

Reading for week 2/1-2/5

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 10-13 Read What Is It? p14-19 and read Fit in My Cab p 20-25
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories

If needed, you can print out the stories on the 2nd link.


2/5 ELA in Google Classroom

2/5 ELA

2/5 Friday
Please review the Powerpoint presentation and listen to the song to help you distinguish between plants and animals.
Complete “I Can /Sort Science Terms” by cutting and pasting the plant or animal in its correct category.
As a letter review please complete the color by letter sheets

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


2/5 Math 8.7 in Google Classroom

2/5 Math 8.7

I can write equations to show10
I will be able to decompose and represent number 10
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve a problem
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 471-474
Optional- HW pages 475-476
Only turn in page -474


2/4 Fundation in Google Classroom

2/4 Fundation

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.
In yourlittle green notebook write your first and last name on the top 2 lines.
Trace and Write the capital letters for the day Y, Z then four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.


2/4 ELA in Google Classroom

2/4 ELA

2/4 Thursday
Please read What is Science?on this Think Central link,thinking about where animals make their homes.

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “ I Can Remember Details From a Story ” Think of 3 things the book said science is the study of, draw a picture and write a caption for your drawing.

Complete the Letter “Yy & Zz ” sheets -
Complete the sight word “many” sheet
Make a index card for the word - many- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


2/4 Math 8.6 in Google Classroom

2/4 Math 8.6

I can write equations to show 8 and 9
I will be able to decompose and represent numbers 8 and 9
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 465-468
Optional- HW pages 469-470
Only turn in page -468


2/3 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/3 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.
In yourlittle green notebook write your first and last name on the top 2 lines.
Trace and Write the capital letters for the day W, X then four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.


2/3 Math 8.5 in Google Classroom

2/3 Math 8.5

I can write equations to show parts of 6 and 7
I will be able to decompose and represent numbers 6 and 7
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve a problem
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 459-462
Optional- HW pages 463-464
Only turn in page -462


2/3 ELA in Google Classroom

2/3 ELA

2/3 Wednesday
Please read Benjamin Franklin, Inventor it is after “What is Science on this Think Central link,

We do not have a YouTube link for this text.

Complete “I Can Retell a Story”.Draw a picture of something that Benjamin Franklin invented, then write a story sentence for your picture.
-Complete the Letter “Ww & Xx” sheets
Complete the sight word “where” sheet
Make a index card for the word - where- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/2 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/2 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.
In yourlittle green notebook write your first and last name on the top 2 lines.
Trace and Write the capital letters for the day U, V then four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.


2/2 Math  Groundhog Day Math in Google Classroom

2/2 Math Groundhog Day Math

Complete the Addition and Subtraction worksheets


2/2 ELA in Google Classroom

2/2 ELA

2/2 Tuesday
Please reread Dear Mr. Blueberry on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “I Can Summarize a Story”. Think about what happened in “Dear Mr. Blueberry”, draw a picture and write a sentence to summarize the story in one sentence.
Complete the Letter “Uu & Vv ” sheets

Complete the sight word “how” sheet
Make a index card for the word - how - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/1  Math  8.4 in Google Classroom

2/1 Math 8.4

I can write addition and subtraction equations within 5 and remember them
I will be able to fluently add and subtract equations within 5
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve a problem
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 453-456
Optional- HW pages 457-458
Only turn in page -456


2/1 ELA  in Google Classroom

2/1 ELA

ELA 2/1 Lesson 16
Week of 2/1 - 2/5
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 2 - p.1-6

2/1 Monday
Please read Dear Mr. Blueberry on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete”I Can Write a Message”. Think about what Mr. Blueberry wrote about the whale in Emiliy’s backyard. Was he right or wrong?
Complete the Letter “Ss & Tt ” sheets

Complete the sight word “so” sheet
Make a index card for the word - so - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


2/1 Fundations in Google Classroom

2/1 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.
In yourlittle green notebook write your first and last name on the top 2 lines.
Trace and Write the capital letters for the day S, T then four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.


Topic 7 Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 7 Online Assessment


1/25 - 1/29 Lets Find Out  Slip Sliding on Ice in Google Classroom

1/25 - 1/29 Lets Find Out Slip Sliding on Ice

we will complete ths n class this week.
read the magazine,
complete the last page - Frozen or Melting
upload last page


1/29 ELA in Google Classroom

1/29 ELA

1/29 Friday
Think about both of this week's books, they were all about where animals live.
Turtle Splash on this Think Central link,
A Home for a Tiger, A Home for a Bear on this Think Central link,

Choose a habitat from either book, draw and write about why it is a good home for its animal.
Complete the Letter “Qq & Rr ” sheets -

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/29 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/29 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (Q, R ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/29 Math 8.3 in Google Classroom

1/29 Math 8.3

I can represent reason about numbers and operations
I will be able to reason about addition and subtraction
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve a problem
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 447-450
Optional- HW pages 451-452
Only turn in page -450


1/28 ELA in Google Classroom

1/28 ELA

1/28 Thursday
Please reread Turtle Splash on this Think Central link,thinking about where animals make their homes.

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “ The Craftivity ” Answer the question -where do animals make their homes?

Complete the Letter “Oo & Pp ” sheets -
Complete the sight word “from” sheet
Make a index card for the word - from- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/28 Math 8.2 in Google Classroom

1/28 Math 8.2

I can solve related .addition and subtraction equations
I will be able to solve related addition and subtraction problems
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take solve an equation
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 441-444
Optional- HW pages 445-446
Only turn in page -444


1/28 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/28 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (O, P ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/27 ELA in Google Classroom

1/27 ELA

1/27 Wednesday
Please read Turtle Splash on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the Reading Response. Think about the beginning, middle and end of the story. How do the turtles react to what happens in the story? Sketch a picture and writ a caption for each part.
-Complete the Letter “Mm & Nn” sheets
Complete the sight word “now” sheet
Make a index card for the word - now- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/27 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/27 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (M, N ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/27 Math 8.1 in Google Classroom

1/27 Math 8.1

I can write equations to show the parts up to 5
I will be able to decompose and represent numbers to 5.
I can use counters, pictures, or cubes to help with subtraction.

Complete classwork pages 435-438
Optional- HW pages 439-440
Only turn in page -438


1/26 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/26 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (K, L ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/26 ELA in Google Classroom

1/26 ELA

1/26 Tuesday
Please reread A Home for a Tiger, A Home for a Bear on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete theI Can ThinkAbout an Extreme Animal Habitat. Think about what you learned about an animal extreme (very cold or very hot)habitat . Write about something you learned or found interesting. Label your drawing,
Complete the Letter “Kk & Ll ” sheets

Complete the sight word “they” sheet
Make a index card for the word - they - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/25 ELA in Google Classroom

1/25 ELA

Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 1 - p-82-86

1/25 Monday
Please read A Home for a Tiger, A Home for a Bear on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Reading Response. Think about what you learned or found interesting about an animal habitat . Write about something you learned or found interesting. Label your drawing, and use the checklist on the bottom to see if you fulfilled all the requirements.
Complete the Letter “Ii & Jj ” sheets

Complete the sight word “are” sheet
Make a index card for the word - are - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/25 Fudations in Google Classroom

1/25 Fudations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (I, J ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/25 Math  Vocabulary and Reteach in Google Classroom

1/25 Math Vocabulary and Reteach

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to subtract numbers to find the difference.
Complete review pages 419-424
Only turn in page 424


1/22 Math  7.9 in Google Classroom

1/22 Math 7.9

I can use tools to subtract and add.
I will be able to use the appropriate tools to find the difference or sum of the word problem.
Using key words, cubes, pictures, and counters to help me solve the word problem..
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 413-416
Optional HW pages 417-418
Only turn in page 416


1/19-1/22 Reading in Google Classroom

1/19-1/22 Reading

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 128-129Read Cam, Fran, Pam and Mac p130-133 and read Fat Cat p 134-137
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading,
Did he she breeze through it, need a little help or did they struggle through the stories


1/22 ELA in Google Classroom

1/22 ELA

1/22 Friday

Please read the poem On Our Way, it is page 34 of the big book What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? on this Think Central link,

We do not have aYouTube link for the poem
Complete the Matching “ Look at the animals, read the words the author used to describe the way the animals move, connect the picture to the words the author used.
Complete the Letter “Gg & Hh ” sheets
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/22 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/22 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (G, H ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/21 ELA in Google Classroom

1/21 ELA

1/21 Thursday
Please reread What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “ I Can FindAuthors Purpose ” Think about why the author wrote the book. What did they want us to learn?Draw a picture to show something the author wanted us to learn from the story. Write a sentence about your picture.
Remember to label your picture
Complete the Letter “Ee & Ff ” sheets -
Complete the sight word “what” sheet
Make a index card for the word - what- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/21 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/21 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (E, F ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/21 Math  7.8 in Google Classroom

1/21 Math 7.8

I can find patterns in subtraction equations
I will be able to use patterns to develop fluency in subtraction.
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 407-410
Optional HW pages 411-412
Only turn in page 410


1/20 ELA in Google Classroom

1/20 ELA

1/20 Wednesday
Please read What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the Reading Response. Think about what you learned about the different animals. Write about something you learned or found interesting. Label your drawing, and use the checklist on the bottom to see if you fulfilled all the requirements.
-Complete the Letter “Cc & Dd” sheets
Complete the sight word “you” sheet
Make a index card for the word - you- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/20 Fundations  in Google Classroom

1/20 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (C, D ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot.

Complete phonemic awareness pages in the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/20 Math 7.7 in Google Classroom

1/20 Math 7.7

I can find the difference between two numbers.
I will be able to solve subtraction word problems : take from
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 401-404
Optional HW pages 405-406
Only turn in page 404


1/19 Math 7.6 in Google Classroom

1/19 Math 7.6

I can continue to write and explain subtraction with equations.
I will be able to continue writing a subtraction equation using - and = can be used to show the difference.
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 395-398
Optional HW pages 399-400
Only turn in page 398


1/19 ELA in Google Classroom

1/19 ELA

Lesson 13
Week of 1/19 - 1/22
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 1 - p77-81

1/19 Tuesday
Please read A Zebra’s World on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Reading Response. Think about what you learned about zebras. Write about something you learned or found interesting. Label your drawing, and use the checklist on the bottom to see if you fulfilled all the requirements.
Complete the Letter “Aa & Bb ” sheets

Complete the sight word “went” sheet
Make a index card for the word - went - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/19 Fundations  in Google Classroom

1/19 Fundations

Complete classwork pages for letter formation.

In your Little green notebook write your first and last name on the first and second lines.

Trace and Write the capital letters (A, B ) four times each on the next 4 lines starting at the highlighted dot. Turn in here.

Complete phonemic awareness pages from the worksheet packet for today and turn them in under ELA.


1/15 ELA in Google Classroom

1/15 ELA

12/11 Friday
Please reread Snow on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the CRAFTIVITY Answer the question “ What do animals do when there are changes in the weather?
”Draw to show what an animal does and write a sentence to explain. Remember to label your drawing.

Complete the Letter “z and q ” sheets ✍🏻

There 3 different pages to celebrate Martin Luther King Day with. We will do at least one activity in class if we are there. You can choose one to do at home, if tou would like. I hope you enjoy your 3 day weekend.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/15 Math 7.5 in Google Classroom

1/15 Math 7.5

I can write and explain subtraction with equations.
I will be able to write a subtraction equation using - and = can be used to show the difference.
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 389-392
Optional HW pages 393-394
Only turn in page 392


Lets Find Out  - We are all Different in Google Classroom

Lets Find Out - We are all Different

Complete Hands on Activity, "what Makes Me Special" (last one)


1/14 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/14 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter q four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter q four times on each line


1/14 ELA in Google Classroom

1/14 ELA

1/14 Thursday
Please reread Snow on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “ I Can Find the Verb in the Sentence ” Think about action words. - words that tell what someone or something is doing . Write a short sentence about each picture. Circle the verb in your sentence.
Complete the Letter “q” sheet -
Complete the sight word “play” sheet
Make a index card for the word - play- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/14 Math 7.4 in Google Classroom

1/14 Math 7.4

I can use a minus sign to show parts of a whole (-).
I will be able to tell how many objects there are, write a minus sign, and the number subtracted (-)
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 383-386
Optional HW pages 387-388
Only turn in page386


1/13 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/13 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter z four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter z four times on each line


1/13 Math 7.3 in Google Classroom

1/13 Math 7.3

I can represent subtraction as taking away from a whole.
I will be able to represent subtraction as taking from the whole.
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 377-380
Optional HW pages 381-382

Only turn in page 380


1/13 ELA in Google Classroom

1/13 ELA

1/13 Wednesday
Please read Snow on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Competel -I Can Explain Character Choices ” Think about how each character felt about the snow. Color the face you think best describes the characters feeling about the snow.
-Complete the Letter “z” sheet
Complete the sight word “of” sheet
Make a index card for the word - of- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/12 ELA in Google Classroom

1/12 ELA

1/12 Tuesday
Please read How Water Changes on this Think Central link, it is page 31 of the Snow book

We do not have a YouTube link for this text
Complete “I Can Show Cause and Effect” sheet - think about what cause can happen to create each effect shown on the page.
Use what you learned in the book to draw and show what happened, then write a caption for your picture.
Complete the Letter “q ” sheet

Complete the sight word “said” sheet
Make a index card for the word - said - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/12 Math 7.2 in Google Classroom

1/12 Math 7.2

I can represent subtraction as taking apart a number.
I will be able to take apart a number and tell it’s parts.
I can use cubes, pictures, and counters to help me take apart a number.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 371-374
Optional HW pages 375-376
Only turn in page 374


1/12 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/12 Fundations

1. Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of q and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.

2. On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter q four times.


1/11 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/11 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of z and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter z four times.


1/11 Math 7.1 in Google Classroom

1/11 Math 7.1

I can explore subtraction
I will be able to show numbers in many ways, such as counting objects, using fingers, mental images, drawings, and equations.
I can use counters or cubes to help with subtraction.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 365-368
Optional pages 369-370
Only turn in page 368


1/11 ELA  in Google Classroom

1/11 ELA

Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , Volume 1 - p24 &11 p. 72-76

1/11 Monday
Please read Storm is Coming on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete”I Can Draw Conclusions about What I Read”. Think about what was really happening outside. Draw a picture (label it) to show what was really happening outside and write a sentence to tell about it .
Complete the Letter ”z” sheet
Complete the sight word “with” sheet
Make a index card for the word - with- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


Topic 6 Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 6 Online Assessment

Children should do the assignment independently, so you and I know where they need help.


Let's Find out "Happy New Year" in Google Classroom

Let's Find out "Happy New Year"

Complete find and count on last page.


1/8 ELA in Google Classroom

1/8 ELA

12/8 Friday
Please reread Jump into January, look for multiple meaning words (p9, 14,18,22) and or watch the multiple meaning word video

Complete the” I Can Use Multiple Meaning Words” sheet Follow the directions on the page before

Complete the Letter “y and x ” sheets
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/4-1/8 Reading in Google Classroom

1/4-1/8 Reading

use the link below to access the Think Central Journeys Reader.
Review pages 108-109Read Pat Cat, Sam Cat p110-113 and read Pam Cat p 114-117
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading, Did he she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories.


1/7 Math Pratice Assessment  in Google Classroom

1/7 Math Pratice Assessment

Students will use strategies to add groups and numbers 0 to 10.
Complete pages 353-358
Turn in page 358
Tomorrow please do the assessment online your own, there will be no math meeting .


1/7 ELA in Google Classroom

1/7 ELA

12/7 Thursday
Please reread Jump into January on this Think Central link, or watch the Weather video below.

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “ I CanShare about My Least Favorite Kind of Weather ” draw a picture of your favorite kind of weather and write a sentence to tell why, label it then color it

Complete the Letter “x” sheet -
Complete the sight word “had” sheet
Make a index card for the word - saw- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/7 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/7 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter x four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter x four times on each line
Video in google doc has expired , follow along with the FUN HUB link.


1/6 Math  Review in Google Classroom

1/6 Math Review

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to add groups and numbers 0 to 10..
Complete review pages 347-352
Only turn in page 352


1/6 ELA in Google Classroom

1/6 ELA

12/6 Wednesday
Please reread Jump into January on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Competel -I Can Share About Why Rain is Special sheet ” draw a picture ofWhy rain is special and why we need it, and write a sentence to tell why, label it then color it

-Complete the Letter “y” sheet
Complete the sight word “saw” sheet
Make a index card for the word - saw- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/6 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/6 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter y four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter y four times on each line


1/5 ELA in Google Classroom

1/5 ELA

1/5 Tuesday
Please read Jump into January on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Share About My Favorite Kind Of Weather” sheet - draw a picture of your favorite kind of weather and write a sentence to tell why, label it then color it
Complete the Letter “x ” sheet

Complete the sight word “come” sheet
Make a index card for the word - come- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/5 Math 6.10 in Google Classroom

1/5 Math 6.10

I can model adding different numbers together by drawing, counting, or drawing equations.
I will be able to complete addition equations using + and =, as well as numbers and pictures.
I can use pictures and counters to help me with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 341-344
Optional - HW pages 345-3486
Only turn in page 344


1/5 Fundations in Google Classroom

1/5 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of x and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter x four times.


1/4 Fundations  in Google Classroom

1/4 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of y and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter y four times.


1/4 ELA in Google Classroom

1/4 ELA

Please read Every Season on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Every Season Reading response. Label your drawing, and use the checklist on the bottom to see if you fulfilled all the requirements.
Complete the Letter”y” sheet
Complete the sight word “see” sheet
Make a index card for the word - see- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


1/4 Math in Google Classroom

1/4 Math

I can use patterns to add numbers together.
I will be able to use patterns to develop fluency in addition using the + and = to show parts of a whole.
I can use pictures and counters to help me with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 335-338
Optional - HW pages 330-340
Only turn in page 338


12/23 Gingerbread in Google Classroom

12/23 Gingerbread

12/23 Wednesday
Please read The Gingerbread Cowboy by Janet Squires
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Competel -the sequencing sheet ” - Draw pictures of the people and animals the gingerbread cowboy ran away from in the order they chased him. Please let your child try to sound out the one word caption
Gingerbread Dot to Dot - Use your knowledge of the alphabet to complete the dot to dot
Gingerbread Science - We will do the experiment at school.Please if you can try to do the experiment at home - It will be fun and educational. You can use a regular cookie.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/22 Math 6.8 in Google Classroom

12/22 Math 6.8

I can use equations to represent and explain addition
I will be able to solve addition word problems : add to using pictures and the + and = to show parts of a whole.
I can use pictures and counters to help me with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 329-332
Optional - HW pages 333-334
Only turn in page 332


12/22 Gingerbread in Google Classroom

12/22 Gingerbread

12/22 Tuesday
Please readThe Ninjabread Man by C.J. Leigh
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “ The Ninjabread Man sequencing ” sheet -cut out the pictures on the bottom and glue them into the numbers in the correct order
Complete the Letter “w ” sheet

Complete the sight word “fast” sheet
Make a index card for the word - fast- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/21 Math  6.7 in Google Classroom

12/21 Math 6.7

I can solve addition problems.
I will be able to solve addition word problems : add to using pictures and the + and = to show parts of a whole.
I can use pictures and counters to help me with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 323-326
Optional - HW pages 327-328
Only turn in page 326


12/21 Gingerbread in Google Classroom

12/21 Gingerbread

12/21 Monday
Please read The Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Ernst
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete The Gingerbread Girl’sCharacter Web sheet -pick 2 to 4 of the Gingerbreads Girl's character traits ,
write the word on the line and draw a picture of when he exhibited that trait. Label your drawing
Complete the Letter”v sheet
Complete the sight word “girl” sheet
Make a index card for the word - girl- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/18 Gingerbread in Google Classroom

12/18 Gingerbread

12/18 Friday
Please read The Gingerbread Boy by Richard Egielski
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “The Story Element ”sheet , use a few words to complete each story element, draw a picture to show what happened in the Beginning, Middle and End

Complete the Letter “v ” sheet cut out pictures on the bottom of the page that begin with /v/ and past them in the flowers
Complete the Letter “w ” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


12/18 Math 6.6 in Google Classroom

12/18 Math 6.6

I can use the plus sign and equal sign in an equation.
I will be able to continue to represent and explain addition with equations using the + and = to show parts of a whole.
I can use pictures and counters to help me with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Pages 317-320
Optional - HW pages 321-322
Only turn in page 320


Holiday Wants and Needs  (we will do this in class) in Google Classroom

Holiday Wants and Needs (we will do this in class)

Complete and submit the wants and needs comprehension and sorting pdf (last link)
Here are optional activities to go with the Scholastic News article
You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link by clicking on classroom
There are links to videos, a dance break, an online game, and hands on arts and craft

You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link our code is Behr140


12/17 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/17 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter w four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter w four times on each line


12/17  Math 6.5 in Google Classroom

12/17 Math 6.5

I can write and explain addition with equations
I will be able to add parts together to make a whole is one interpretation of addition. Equations using + and = can be used to show parts of a whole.
I can use number cards and counters to help me with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 311-314
Optional - HW pages 315-316
Only turn in page 314


12/17 Gingerbread in Google Classroom

12/17 Gingerbread

12/17 Thursday
Please read The Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Ernst
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “The Story Element ”sheet , use a few words to complete each story element, draw a picture to show what happened in the Beginning, Middle and End
Complete the Letter “w” sheet - cut out pictures on the bottom of the page that begin with /w/
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


12/16 Gingerbread in Google Classroom

12/16 Gingerbread

12/16 Wednesday
Please read Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett, the Gingerbread /baby is a prequel of the story , it is linked below .
*******For the teacher only this is a video of Jan brett drawing and reading mst of the book
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Compete -the reading response sheet ” - Answer the question, “Why was the Gingerbread Baby so sad, remember finger spaces - Parents dont tell your child how to spell the words , let them use inventive spelling
Complete the Letter “v” sheet
Complete the sight word “eat” sheet
Make a index card for the word - eat- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/16 in Google Classroom


On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter v four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter v four times on each line


12/16 Math  6.4 in Google Classroom

12/16 Math 6.4

I can use a plus sign to add numbers together.
I will be able to add groups can be shown in addition that uses the plus sign (+)
I can use number cards and counters to help me with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 305-308
Optional - HW pages 309-310
Only turn in page 308


12/15 Math   6.3 in Google Classroom

12/15 Math 6.3

I can represent addition as putting 2 or more numbers together.
I will be able to put parts together to make a whole is one interpretation of addition.
I can use counters and number cards to help with an addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 299-302
Optional - HW pages 303-304
Only turn in page 302


12/15 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/15 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of w and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter w four times.


12/15 Gingerbread  in Google Classroom

12/15 Gingerbread

12/15 Tuesday
Please readThe Gingerbread Boy by Paul Galdone this is a word only version
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “The Gingerbread Boy sequencing ” sheet -cut out the pictures on the bottom and glue them into the numbers in the correct order
Complete the Letter “w ” sheet

Complete the sight word “boy” sheet
Make a index card for the word - look- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/14 Math 6.2 in Google Classroom

12/14 Math 6.2

I can represent addition as adding to a number.
I will be able to add 1 or more objects to an existing group is one interpretation of addition.
I can use cubes to help me add objects.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 293-296
Optional - HW pages 297-298
Only turn in page 296


12/14 Gingerbread in Google Classroom

12/14 Gingerbread

12/14 Monday
Please read The Gingerbread Man
you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete The Gingerbread Mans Character Web sheet -pick 2 to 4 of the Gingerbreads Man's character traits , write the word on the line and draw a picture of when he exhibited that trait. Label your drawing
Complete the Letter”v sheet
Complete the sight word “run” sheet
Make a index card for the word - run- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/14 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/14 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of v and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter v four times.

Parents please watch overview of week 10


Lets Find Out - Wide Awake in Winter in Google Classroom

Lets Find Out - Wide Awake in Winter

Complete and submit the hibernation comprehension pdf
Here are optional activities to go with the Scholastic News article
You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link by clicking on classroom
There are links to videos, a dance break, an online game, and hands on arts and craft

You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link our code is Behr140


112/11 Math in Google Classroom

112/11 Math

Don't forget to do the topic 5 assessment please.

I can explore addition
I will be able to show numbers in many ways, such as counting objects, using fingers, mental images, drawings, and equations.
I can use counters or cubes to help with addition.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 287-290
Optional - HW pages 291-292
Only turn in page 290


12/7 - 12/11Reading  in Google Classroom

12/7 - 12/11Reading

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below
Review pages 98-99Read Mmmm, Good p100-103 and read The Playground p 104-107
In the comments section please let me know how your child did reading,
Did he/ she breeze through it, need a lot of help or did they struggle through the stories


12/11 ELA in Google Classroom

12/11 ELA

12/11 Friday
Please reread or recall Mouse Shapes on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the” I Can Describe Characters” sheet draw each character from the book, write a descriptive word about each character
Complete the Letter “h ” sheet cut out pictures on the second page that begin with /h/ and past them in the windows
Complete the Letter “k ” sheet

Complete the sight word “be” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


12/10 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/10 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter k four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter k four times on each line.


12/10 ELA in Google Classroom

12/10 ELA

12/10 Thursday
Please reread Mouse Shapes on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “ I Can Summarize the Story”draw a picture and write a sentence to summarize the story in a few words

Complete the Letter “k” sheet - cut out pictures on the second page that begin with /k/ and past them in the balloons
Complete the sight word “we” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


12/9 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/9 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter h four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter h four times on each line


12/9 ELA in Google Classroom

12/9 ELA

12/9 Wednesday
Please read Mouse Shapes on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Compete -the reading response sheet ” - Using shapes create a picture and describe what you made with the shapes ( I always cut a bunch of shapes for the students to pick from and they create what they want)
Complete the Letter “h” sheet
Complete the sight word “be” sheet
Make a index card for the word - be- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/9 Math in Google Classroom

12/9 Math

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to classify and count data.
Complete review pages 273-276
Only turn in page 276


12/8 math in Google Classroom

12/8 math

Math Practice and Problem Solving: Critique Reasoning
I will tell whether they way objects have been sorted, counted, and compared make sense.
The student will be able to explain why they are correct.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 267-270
Optional - HW pages 271-272
Only turn in page 270


12/8 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/8 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of k and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter k four times.


12/8 ELA in Google Classroom

12/8 ELA

12/8 Tuesday
Please read Mouse Shapes on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I CanFind the Setting” sheet - draw a picture to answer the question and write a one word caption if you can , label it then color it
Complete the Letter “k ” sheet

Complete the sight word “we” sheet
Make a index card for the word - look- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/7 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/7 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of h and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter h four times.


12/7 ELA in Google Classroom

12/7 ELA

12/7 Monday
Please read Davids Drawings on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete David's Character Traits sheet -pick 2 of David's character traits , write the word on the line and draw a picture of when David exhibited that trait. Label your drawing
Complete the Letter”h sheet
Complete the sight word “out” sheet
Make a index card for the word - out- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/7 Math in Google Classroom

12/7 Math

I can sort the categories by counting.
I will be able to use counting to compare how many objects are in the categories.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 261-264
Optional - HW pages 265-266
Only turn in page 264


12/4 Journeys/ELA in Google Classroom

12/4 Journeys/ELA

12/4 Friday
Please reread or recall Move on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete thePerformance Task Craftivity answer why do animals move in different ways? (ex- they each have different bodies)
Complete the Letter “j ” sheet

Complete the Letter “ l” sheet


12/4 Math 5.2 in Google Classroom

12/4 Math 5.2

I can count the number of objects in each category.
I will be able to classify objects into 2 categories, based on whether they have a particular attribute.
I will be able to count how many objects are in different categories.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 255-258
Optional - HW pages 259-260
Only turn in page 258


11/30 - 12/4 Reading  in Google Classroom

11/30 - 12/4 Reading

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 78-79
Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story) Cc p80-83
and read I Can See p 84-87 Please let me know how your child did with the I Can See Story


Topic 4 Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 4 Online Assessment

Log in and have your child complete the topic 4 assessment on their own so that you and I can both monitor their progress.


12/3 Math 5.1 in Google Classroom

12/3 Math 5.1

I can classify object into categories
I will be able to classify objects into 2 categories, based on whether they have a particular attribute.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 249-251
Optional - HW pages 253-254
Only turn in page 251


12/3 Journey's/ELA in Google Classroom

12/3 Journey's/ELA

12/4 Thursday
Please reread Move on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete sheet -Move reading response sheet
draw an animal from the book, and write a caption, use describing words (ex- spiders dance) Parents please allow yor child to sound out the words and use inventive spelling - they are not learning if you give them the letters to write - if they were in calss they would be required to think about the sounds)
Complete the Letter “l” sheet -

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


12/3 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/3 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter l four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter l four times on each line


12/2 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/2 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter j four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter j four times on each line


12/2 Journey's / ELA in Google Classroom

12/2 Journey's / ELA

12/2 Wednesday
Please openup the story Move, read the pictures not the text noticing thedetaisl (colors of the illustrations, movement of the animals) on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

When reading the story think of words that mean the opposite of things the dinosaurs are doing.
Competel - I Can Create Captions” - Sound out a color word to complete each caption, then color the picture to match your caption
Complete the Letter “j” sheet
Complete the sight word “by” sheet
Make a index card for the word - by- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/1  Journey's / ELA in Google Classroom

12/1 Journey's / ELA

12/1 Tuesday
Please read Move on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete “I Can Compare and Contrast Details in a Story” sheet - draw a picture to answer the question and write a one word caption , label it then color it
Complete the Letter “l ” sheet

Complete the sight word “look” sheet
Make a index card for the word - look- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


12/1 Math Voc review and reteach in Google Classroom

12/1 Math Voc review and reteach

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to compare groups and numbers 0 to 10.
Complete review pages 237-240
Send in only page 240


12/1 Fundations in Google Classroom

12/1 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of l and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter l four times.


11/30 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/30 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of j and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter j four times.


11/30 ELA in Google Classroom

11/30 ELA

Lesson 8
Week of 11/30-12/4
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages , WTK10, 3,49,52,53
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 78-79
Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story) Cc p80-83 and read I Can See p 84-87

11/30 Monday
Please read Jonathan and His Mommy on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete Jonathan and his Mommy response sheet - draw and write about why you think Jonathan is tired at the end of his day - Label your drawing
Complete the Letter”j sheet
Complete the sight word “it” sheet
Make a index card for the word - it- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


11/30 Math 4.6 in Google Classroom

11/30 Math 4.6

Math Practice and Problem Solving: Repeat reasoning
I will be able to repeat a strategy from 1 problem to solve another problem
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 231-234
Optional HW pages 235-236
Only turn in page 234


Lets Find Out  Helping Long Ago in Google Classroom

Lets Find Out Helping Long Ago

Complete and submit the long ago comprehension and venn diagram pdf (its the last one)
Here are optional activities to go with the Scholastic News article
You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link by clicking on classroom
There are links to videos, a dance break, an online game, and hands on arts and craft


11/25 ELA in Google Classroom

11/25 ELA

11/25 Wednesday
Please read Pete the Cat, The First Thanksgiving if you have it or follow along with this youtube video

Complete the Pete the Cat, The First Thanksgiving Reading Response, (name on top and response on the bottom) remember to use the checklist on the bottom
P sheet
Sight Words - review the words in your baggie
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


11/25 Math  in Google Classroom

11/25 Math

We will review counting to 6 with Thanksgiving Counting
We will introduce/review tally marks with Count How Many Turkeys


11/24 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/24 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter p four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter p four times on each line


11/24 Math 4.5 in Google Classroom

11/24 Math 4.5

I will be able to count numbers to 10.
I will be able to understand there is a specific order to a set of whole numbers.
I can use connecting cubes.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 225-228
Optional HW pages 229-230
Only turn in page 228


11/24 ELA in Google Classroom

11/24 ELA

11/24 Tuesday
Please read 🦃Turkey Trouble, 🍗 if you have it or follow along with this youtube video
Then we are going to use the bottom half of the pages we cut on Monday to retell our own Turkey Trouble book, in our book we will pick out sight words and use our finger when we read the repetitive text for 1:1 correspondence
Complete the today I’m Thankful for…. Sheet
Complete the “p” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “do” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.‘


11/23 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/23 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of p and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter p four times.


11/23 ELA  in Google Classroom

11/23 ELA

11/23 Monday
Please use the “Thanksgiving Past and Present” booklet , it is 9 pages long - only the top ½ the page
The 10th page is the activity sheet - we will use it to cut out the words “now” & “then” Take the bottom half and staple those 9 pages together to create Tuesday’s booklet “Turkey Trouble”
We will look at pictures of the First Thanksgiving and compare it to today's Thanksgiving. We will learn the words now and then and glue the words in the correct boxes under the pictures

Complete the “p” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “on” sheet
Take one picture of any completed page of the booklet.

Make a index card for the word - on- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


11/23 Math 4.4 in Google Classroom

11/23 Math 4.4

I will be able to compare groups to10.
I can compare by finding the position of each number within the counting sequence.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 219-222
Optional HW pages 223-224
Only turn in page 222


11/20 ELA in Google Classroom

11/20 ELA

1/20 Friday
Please read The Fort Worth Soo (its at the of the big book Mice Squeak, We Speak ) concentrate on the spacing of the words in the sentences - on this Think Central link,

Complete - “I Can Find Sentences with correct Spacing” sheet, if the sentence has a space between the words as it should color it green. If it does not have proper spacing , color it red.
Complete the “e” letter sheet
Complete the “r” letter sheet

The CORNUCOPIA page is just for fun, if you want to hang it up . You do not have to turn it in.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


Let's Find Out - A Thankful Heart in Google Classroom

Let's Find Out - A Thankful Heart

Complete and submit the thankful comprehension pdf

You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link our code is Behr140
Here are optional activities to go with the Scholastic News article
You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link by clicking on classroom
There are links to videos, a dance break, an online game, and hands on arts and craft


11/20 Math in Google Classroom

11/20 Math

I can compare groups of 10 by counting.
I will be able to compare 2 groups by counting the number of objects in each group and finding the position of each number within the counting sequence.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 213-216
Optional HW pages 217-218
Only turn in page 216


11/16 to 11/20 Reading  in Google Classroom

11/16 to 11/20 Reading

Have your child read
We Like Toys p 74-77 to you , take note and let me know how the did. Did the breeze right through it, need a little help or was it a struggle?
Please let me know in the comment section.


11/20 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/20 Fundations

Review letters and sounds of the week: e, r


11/19 ELA in Google Classroom

11/19 ELA

11/19 Thursday
Please reread Mice Squeak, We Speak on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the Craftivity - Answer “How do people and animals communicate? (Ex-We make noises.)
Complete the “r” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “was” sheet
Make a index card for the word - day- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


11/19 Math in Google Classroom

11/19 Math

I can compare groups to 10 objects using numerals.
I will be able to tell which group of objects is greater than another group.
I can tell whether one group is more in number than another group.
I can use two types of objects to help with comparing to find the group that is greater.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 207-210
Optional HW pages 211-212
Only turn in page 210 as we did the others together.


11/18 ELA  in Google Classroom

11/18 ELA

11/18 Wednesday
Please reread Mice Squeak, We Speak on this Think Central link
, or listen to the Animal Sounds Song below.
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on the YouTube link below

Complete “I Can Choose Words That Describe Sounds” sheet -
after your adult reads each word in the boxes, decide which word correctly completes each sentence and color it. Color the pictures
Complete the “e” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “day” sheet
Make a index card for the word - was- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


11/18 Math in Google Classroom

11/18 Math

I can compare groups to 10 objects.
I will be able to tell which group is less.
I can use two types of objects to help with comparing groups to 10 to show less than.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 201-204
Optional HW pages 205-206
Only turn in pages 201 & 204


11/17 ELA in Google Classroom

11/17 ELA

11/17 Tuesday
Please read Mice Squeak, We Speak on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this YouTube link

Complete “ I Can Share about How Animals Communicate” Draw and color a picture of how some animals communicate with each other , write a caption, label your drawing. Children should be using inventive spelling.
Complete the “r” letter sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


11/17 Math Pre Assessment and Topic 3 Test in Google Classroom

11/17 Math Pre Assessment and Topic 3 Test

Students will use strategies to count, read, and write numbers 0 to 10.
Complete pages 193-196
Please go on to Savas/Pearson's and complete the Topic 3 Assessment by the end of the day


11/17 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/17 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of r and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter r four times.


Topic 3 Additional New York Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 3 Additional New York Online Assessment


11/16 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/16 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of e and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter e four times.

Watch overview instructional videos


11/16 Math  Voc Review and Reteach in Google Classroom

11/16 Math Voc Review and Reteach

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to count, recognize, read and write numbers 1 to 10.
Complete review pages 187-192


11/16 ELA in Google Classroom

11/16 ELA

Lesson 7
Week of 11/16-11/20
Journeys ELA work

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages WTK4, 14,33,47,48
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 68-69
Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Tt p70-73 and We Like Toys p 74-77

11/16 Monday
Please read Amelia’s Show and Tell Fiesta on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete Reading response for “Amelia’s First Show and Tell” Draw and color a picture about Amelia’s first show and tell. Children should be using inventive spelling
Complete the “e” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “day” sheet
Make a index card for the word - day- and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


Veteran's Day - Lets Find Out in Google Classroom

Veteran's Day - Lets Find Out

I will do this in class with Cohorts B and C , Please have it in your folder.
Cohort A please follow the links , and upload the last page of the magazine . We read Hero Dad Together last week.

the activity and the word search are just for fun, not an assignment


11/13 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/13 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter s four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter s four times on each line.
Follow along with the video in the Doc below.


ELA 11/13 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/13

11/13 Friday
Please reread My 5 Senses on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete the “ I Can Share About How I Use My Senses At School” sheet .
Draw a picture to show how you use your sense of SOUND, write a caption. EX- Hear the teacher
Complete the “s” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “go” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


1/13 Math 3.8 in Google Classroom

1/13 Math 3.8

Math Practice and Problem Solving: look for and use structure
I will be able to use math to explain what I know about counting patterns to solve problems.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 181-184
Optional - HW pages 185-186
Turn in pages 181 and 184 only please.


ELA 11/12 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/12

11/12 Thursday
Please reread My 5 Senses on this Think Central link, or watch/listen to the video
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

When reading the story think of words that mean the opposite thing in the story. or you
Complete the “ I Can Match Antonyms” sheet - Color and then match the words that mean the opposite.
Complete the “d” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “go” sheet
Make a index card for the word - go - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product

I have attached an opposites game for fun - it is not mandetory


11/12 Math 3.7 in Google Classroom

11/12 Math 3.7

I can recognize 10 objects in different arrangements.
Using counters and number cards I can show groups of 10 in different ways.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 175-178
Optional - HW pages 179-180
Turn in pages 175 and 178 only please.


11/12 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/12 Fundations

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter d four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter d four times on each line.
Follow along with the video in the Doc below.


11/10 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/10 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of s and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter s four times.

Follow along with the video in the Doc below.


ELA 11/10 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/10

Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 42,43,WTK4, 14,33,36
use link below Review pages 58-59 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Aa p 60-63 and I See p 64-67

11/10 Tuesday
Please reread My 5 Senses on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “ I Can Create a Chart” look at the sense at the top of each column and draw a picture in the blank boxes that go with the sense, color the pictures.
Complete the “s” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “and” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

I have added a non-fiction book about fall as a connection to fall and our 5 senses - not mandatory

🐄If you go to the Science/Social Studies tab in our classroom you will find an interactive link to explore more about the 5 senses and the cow 🐄we adopted.


11/10 Math 3.6 in Google Classroom

11/10 Math 3.6

I can read and write the number 10
I will be able to use number cards to read and write the number 10.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 169-172
Optional HW pages 173-174
Only turn in pages 169 & 172


11/9 Math 3.5 in Google Classroom

11/9 Math 3.5

I can count to the number 10
I will be able to use counters to count up to 10 objects

Complete classwork pages 163-166
Optional - HW pages 167-167
Turn in pages 163 and 166 only please.


11/9 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/9 Fundations

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of d and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter d four times.
Follow along with the video in the Doc below.


ELA  11/9 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/9

Lesson 6
Week of 11/9-11/13
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 42,43,WTK4, 14,33,36
use link below Review pages 58-59 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Aa p 60-63 and I See p 64-67

11/9 Monday
Please read My 5 Senses on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete “ I Can Illustrate Sensory Words” after your adult reads each word in the boxes, please draw a picture of something that goes with that sensory word.
Complete the “d” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “and” sheet
Make a index card for the word - and - and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.

I am attaching a 5 Senses Nature walk Chart in case anyone wants to do a n outdoor activity this week. Not manditory.


11/6 Math 3.4 in Google Classroom

11/6 Math 3.4

I can read and write the numbers 8 and 9.
Using number cards I can read and write numbers 8 and 9.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 157-160
Optional HW pages 161-162
Only turn in pages 157 & 160


11/6 ELA in Google Classroom

11/6 ELA

11/6 Friday
Please reread What Do Wheels Do All Day on this Think Central link, OR watch/ listen to the "Punctuation Explained" YouTube Video
When you read the book think about the punctuation
Complete - “I Can Find Sentences with Correct Punctuation” sheet - Look at each sentence , if it has correct punctuation color it green, if it does not color it red.
Complete the “a and g” letter sheets

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


11/6 Fundations  in Google Classroom

11/6 Fundations

Please follow the directions on the document attached .


11/5 Math 3.3 in Google Classroom

11/5 Math 3.3

I can count 8 and 9
Using counters I can count numbers 8 and 9
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 151-154
Optional HW pages 155-156
Only turn in pages 151 & 154


11/5 ELA in Google Classroom

11/5 ELA

11/5 Thursday Parent Teacher Conferences

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 88-89 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Pp p 90-93 and I Like Animals p 94-97

in the comment box of his assignment please let me know how your child did with I Like Animals (read with ease, read with difficulty, needed a little help)

Log on to Raz Kids - Read for 10 minutes with someone you love
Log on to Lexia
Complete the “a” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “my” sheet

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 57,58,WTK1, WTK7, 68, 51,46,40,41,


11/5 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/5 Fundations

Please follow the directions on the document attached .


11/4 Math 3.2 in Google Classroom

11/4 Math 3.2

I can read and write 6 and 7 objects.
Using number cards I can read and write numbers 6 and 7.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 145-148
Optional HW pages 149-150
Only turn in pages 145 & 148


11/4 Fundations  in Google Classroom

11/4 Fundations

Please follow the directions on the document attached .


11/4 ELA  in Google Classroom

11/4 ELA

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 57,58,WTK1, WTK7, 68, 51,46,40,41,

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below
Review pages 88-89 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Pp p 90-93 and I Like Animals p 94-97

11/4 Wednesday
Please reread What Do Wheels Do All Day on this Think Central link,

If you do hot have an adult to read the story with here is a you tube link
When you read the book think about where you see wheels at school (bus/teachers chair) Complete Wheels at School sheet - illustrate and write what you see wheels on Remember to label your drawing
Complete the “g” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “is” sheet
Make a index card for the word - is - and place it in your red folder

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


11/3 Math in Google Classroom

11/3 Math

Students will identify the positions of up to 10 objects in a line
If you were on the meet with mee this morning you dont havae to turn in anything , I marked it completed.
N1-N4 Turn in only N1 and N4 if you were not on the meet.
optional HW pages N5 &6


Election Day - Lets Find Out in Google Classroom

Election Day - Lets Find Out

Complete and submit the sentence scramble pdf (fourth Link)
Here are optional activities to go with the Scholastic News article
You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link by clicking on classroom
There are links to videos, a dance break, an online game, and hands on arts and craft


11/2 Math 3.1 in Google Classroom

11/2 Math 3.1

I can count 6 and 7 objects.
Using counters I can show groups of 6 and 7.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 139-142
HW pages 143-144
Only turn in pages 139 &142


ELA 11/2 in Google Classroom

ELA 11/2

Week of 11/2-11/5

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 57,58,WTK1, WTK7, 68, 51,46,40,41,

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below
Review pages 88-89 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Pp p 90-93 and I Like Animals p 94-97

11/2 Monday
Please read What Do Wheels Do All Day on this Think Central link,
If you do hot have an adult to read the story with here is a you tube link
When you read the book think about what we use wheels for.
Complete I Can Draw Conclusions. Draw and write about what we use wheels to do or what we use wheels on.
Complete the “a” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “my” sheet
Make a index card for the word - my - and place it in your red folder,


11/2 Fundations in Google Classroom

11/2 Fundations

Please follow the directions on the document attached .


Topic 2 Online Assessment in Google Classroom

Topic 2 Online Assessment


10/28 Math  in Google Classroom

10/28 Math

Please do the Math pre Assessment in the book pages 131 - 134
please send all 4 pages


10/30 ELA  Spookly the Square Pumpkin in Google Classroom

10/30 ELA Spookly the Square Pumpkin

We did these activities on the day of the walk for each cohort if your child is Cohort A please complete 10/28 ELA ,
Please read or listen to Spookly the Square Pumpkin
This is a good story to discuss feelings, differences and how wonderful it is to be unique.
Please complete Spookly sheet color or paint attach leaves for problem and solution(sad - he was different / Happy - he saved the day because he was different)
Complete the “C” letter sheet, Complete the “o” letter sheet

Should go under Math
Sorting by type - color the set, color the thing that belongs in the set
Count it - Count each item and write the number on the line


10/30 Math SOLVE in Google Classroom

10/30 Math SOLVE

A cohort- we did this already, please do the math assignment from A-10/28
please complete the SOLVE word problem from the packet
at this time of year we are only concentrating on the S and O stratigies
S- underline in the problem - what you were asked to find (in yellow) (Who has the greater amount Charlotte or Zoe)
O- organize the facts - Circle the facts - info you need ( 2 3 )
Please use the cats at the bottom or draw your own to show your work
Please complete A Spooky Set
Optional - Count it


10/30 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/30 Fundations

A cohort we did this already, please do the assignment from A-10/28
Please follow the directions in the Google Document below.
C and O sheets


10/29 ELA in Google Classroom

10/29 ELA

If your child was in school today you will do this on Friday

10/29 Thursday
Please reread The Handiest Things in the World on this Think Central link, or listen/watch the video below

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
When reading the story think of words that mean the same thing as something the person is doing in the story.
Complete the I Can Match Synonyms sheet - Color and then match the words that mean the same.
Complete the “o” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “the” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


10/29 Fundations  in Google Classroom

10/29 Fundations

Please follow the directions in the Google Document below.


10/29 Math SOLVE in Google Classroom

10/29 Math SOLVE

If your child is in school today you are going to do this Friday
please complete the SOLVE word problem from the packet
at this time of year we are ily concentration on the S and O stratigies
S- underline in the problem what you were asked to find (in yellow) (Who has the greater amount Emma or Matthew)
O- organize the facts - Circle the facts - info you need ( 5 3 )


10/28  ELA in Google Classroom

10/28 ELA

10/28 Wednesday
If your child was in school today you will do this on Friday

Please reread The Handiest Things in the World on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete the performance Craftivity Color and cut out the tool box, on the lines illustrate and write about how tools help us do things using our hands.
Complete the “C” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “the” sheet
Make a index card for the word - the and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


10/28 Fundations  in Google Classroom

10/28 Fundations

Please follow the directions in the Google Document below.

There is also a song to explain the 2 sounds made by c on the link below.


10/28 in Google Classroom


Students wil l use strategies to compare groups and numbers 0 to 5.
Complete pages 131-134


10/27 Fundations  in Google Classroom

10/27 Fundations

Please follow the directions in the Google Document below.


10/27 Math  Topic 2 Vocabulary and Reteach

 in Google Classroom

10/27 Math Topic 2 Vocabulary and Reteach

Vocabulary and Reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to compare groups and numbers 0 to 5.
Complete review pages 127-130

Plese complete the online math assesment befor Sunday


10/27 ELA in Google Classroom

10/27 ELA

Cohort C and any one who did not complet this reading yeaterday
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 48-49 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Ss p50-53 and I Like S p 54-57 please let me know how your child did with I Like Ss - were they able to read it on their own, did he/she need a little help or did he/she need alot of assistance

10/27 Tuesday
Please reread The Handiest Things in the World on this Think Central link, or watch/listen closely to the video below about nouns and verbs

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Talk about nouns and verbs
Complete I Can Sort Nouns and Verbs - an adult has to read the words to you - if it is a noun color it green, if it is a verb color it pink.
Complete the “o” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “me” sheet
Up load the sheets when done


10/26 in Google Classroom


Math Practice and Problem Solving: Model with math
I will be able to use objects, drawings, and numbers to compare numbers up to 5.
I can use two types of objects and number cards to help compare numbers to 5 .
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 121-124
Optional HW pages 125-26
Only turn in pages 121 & 124


10/26 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/26 Fundations

Please follow the directions in the Google Document below.


 10/26   ELA in Google Classroom

10/26 ELA

Week of 10/26-10/30
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 37, 38, WTK3,

Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 48-49 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Ss p50-53 and I Like S p 54-57 please let me know how your child did with I Like Ss - were they able to read it on their own, did he/she need a little help or did he/she need alot of assistance

10/26 Monday
Please read The Handiest Things in the World on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete Handy Things sheet - draw a picture to show what kind of tools we use to help us learn at school. - Label your picture (rember, we can use first letter sounds )
Complete the “C” letter sheet
Complete the sight word “me” sheet
Make a index card for the word - me and place it in your baggie or folder, you can bring the folder to class to practice during breakfast


10/23 Journeys / ELA  in Google Classroom

10/23 Journeys / ELA

10/23 Friday
Please reread Everybody Works on this Think Central link,
We could not find a youtube link for this story.
Concentrate on new words that are things the people in the story do."I Can Use New Words 📝

Below gets turned in under Fundations
Writing - complete the additional “u” sheet color the pictures and write Uu on the lines of the pictures that have the /u/ beginning sound, trace the “u’ on the bottom
Writing - complete the additional “i” sheet
Write I and i on the lines on top, color the pictures that have the /i/ beginning sound, trace the “i’ on the bottom


10/23 Math in Google Classroom

10/23 Math

I will be able to compare numbers to 5.
I can compare numbers to 5.
I can use two types of objects and number cards to help compare numbers to 5 .
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 115-118
Optional HW pages 119-120
Only turn in pages 115 & 118

Cloud Catch game is a Just for Fun activity


10/23 Fundations  in Google Classroom

10/23 Fundations

Plese see insructions below.
After you follow along with Mr. Dave please follow along with me in the U1W3D5 video.
Thank you


Community Workers Lets Find Out in Google Classroom

Community Workers Lets Find Out

Explore the first 4 links
Complete the CommWorkers-SKILL page


10/22 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/22 Fundations

Review grid line and pencil grip for proper letter formation
Phonological and phonemic awareness for vowels i and u

Letter KeyWord Sound Drills
Sky Write Letter formation
Practice using grid lines, proper pencil grip for skywriting. Please follow along with the instructional video lesson. You will need your dry erase writing grid

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter u four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter u four times on each line

Please follow along with the video if need pause, while you get ready or need to erase your board.


10/22 Journeys ELA in Google Classroom

10/22 Journeys ELA

10/22 Thursday
You can reread Everybody Works on this Think Central link,
watch the video below "JOBS SONG "
We could not find a youtube link for this story.
We are NOT going to Complete the Craftivity .
Instead we will complete the "MY COMMUNITY HELPER " sheet and you
can (optional)create a puppet of a community helper you would like to be with the paper pag sent home, and construction paper you have at home.

Writing - complete the additional “u” sheet color the boxes that have the /u/ beginning sound, trace the u's on the bottom
Sight word complete “like” sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product
You can play the quiz game on the link below if you like .


10/22 Math 2.4 in Google Classroom

10/22 Math 2.4

I will be able to compare groups to 5 by counting.
I can compare groups to 5 by counting the objects.
I can use two types of objects to help compare groups to 5 .
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 109-112
Optional HW pages 113-114
Only turn in pages 109 & 112


10/21 Math 2.3 in Google Classroom

10/21 Math 2.3

I will be able to tell which group of objects is less than another group.
I can tell whether one group is less in number than another group.
I can use two types of objects to help with comparing to find the group that is less.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 103-106
Optional HW pages 107-108
Only turn in pages 103 & 106


10/21 Funations  in Google Classroom

10/21 Funations

Please see instructions below .


10/21 Journeys ELA in Google Classroom

10/21 Journeys ELA

10/21 Wednesday
You can reread Everybody Works on this Think Central link,
refer to the Verb poster and Verbs for Kids Video and talk about verbs being action words
We could not find a youtube link for this story.

Complete the I Can Write Verbs sheet- explain that adverb is an action word.
Read the words under each picture to your child. If they can have them write the appropriate verb on the line under the picture. If they can not print, please have them draw a line from the picture on the bottom to the word that describes that verb.
Writing - complete the additional “i” sheet color the boxes that have the /i/ beginning sound, trace the i’s on the bottom
Sight word complete “like” sheet

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


10/20 Fundations  in Google Classroom

10/20 Fundations

Please see the instructions below.


10/20 Math 2.2 in Google Classroom

10/20 Math 2.2

I will be able to tell which group of objects is greater than another group.
I can tell whether one group is greater in number than another group.
I can use two types of objects to help with comparing to find the group that is greater.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 97-100
Optional HW pages 101-102
Only turn in pages 97 & 100


10/20  Journeys ELA in Google Classroom

10/20 Journeys ELA

10/20 Tuesday
Please reread Everybody Works on this Think Central link,
We could not find a youtube link for this story.

Complete I Can Classify Jobs sheet -Color the workers, than glue in their setting - inside or outside
Writing - complete the additional “u” sheet trace the i’s then write 9 on the bottom line
Sight word complete “to” sheet

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished products.


10/19 Journeys  ELA in Google Classroom

10/19 Journeys ELA

Lesson 4
Week of 10/19-10/23
Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 2,WTK9, 29
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 38-39 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Mm p40-43 and I Like M p 44-47

10/19 Monday
Please read Everybody Works on this Think Central link,
We could not find a youtube link for this story.

Complete A Job for Me sheet - draw a picture of yourself doing a job you would like to have in the future.
Writing - complete the additional “i” sheet trace the i’s then write 9 on the bottom line
Sight word complete “to” sheet


10/19 Math 2.1 in Google Classroom

10/19 Math 2.1

Please complete the Topic 1 math assessment online on the Pearsons Website, assigned on Friday
I can compare equal groups to see whether they are equal by matching.
I can use two types of objects to help with comparing equal groups.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 91-94
Optional HW pages 95-96
Only turn in pages 91 & 94


10/19 Fundations  in Google Classroom

10/19 Fundations

See instructions below, please.


10/16 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/16 Fundations

Please follow along with the U1W2D4 video

Review grid line and pencil grip for proper letter formation
Phonological and phonemic awareness for letters n, m

Letter KeyWord Sound Drills
Sky Write Letter formation
Practice using grid lines, proper pencil grip for skywriting. Please follow along with the instructional video lesson. You will need your dry erase writing grid and letter tiles for letters n,m, t,b,f

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter m four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter m four times on each line

Make it Fun! For this optional activity you will need a die to roll. (printout avaliable on the Unit1Wk2 day 4 document)


10/16 Journeys/ELA in Google Classroom

10/16 Journeys/ELA

10/16 Friday
Please reread Please Puppy Please on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete sheet -I Can Write Nouns
Complete the I can write nouns - explain that a noun is a person, place or thing,
Read the words under each picture to your child. If they can have them write the appropriate noun on the line under the picture. If they can not print, please have them draw a line from the picture on the bottom to the word that describes that noun.
When reading the story see if your child can generate words that mean the same thing the characters are doing
Writing - Complete the additional “m” sheet write m if the picture name begins with the m sound
Sight word - ”am”sheet


10/16  Math Pre-assessment in Google Classroom

10/16 Math Pre-assessment

Students will use strategies to count, read, and write numbers 0 to 5.
Complete pages 79-82


10/15 Journeys/ELA in Google Classroom

10/15 Journeys/ELA

10/15 Thursday
Please reread a portion of Please Puppy Please on this Think Central link, Pick outwords you can think of synonyms for, as you read a portion of the story.
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

When reading the story see if your child can generate words that mean the same thing the characters are doing
There is a video that explains synonyms on the link below
Complete I Can Find Synonyms
Sight word - "am”sheet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product

Writing - Complete the additional “n” sheet write n if the picture name begins with the n sound - turn in under fundations


10/15 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/15 Fundations

Please see the instructions on the link below .


10/15 Vocabulary and Reteach Topic 1 in Google Classroom

10/15 Vocabulary and Reteach Topic 1

Vocabulary and reteach
Students will review vocabulary used in the topic.
Students will be able to count, recognize, read and write numbers 0 to 5.
Complete review pages 73-78

Turn in 75 and 77 only please


10/14 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/14 Fundations

Please see the instructions on the link below .


10/14  Journeys/ ELA  in Google Classroom

10/14 Journeys/ ELA

10/14 Wednesday
Please read Please Puppy Please on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete I Can Draw Conclusions About What I Read sheet - draw a picture of what puppy is like and then write or dictate a caption (adult can write the caption in highlighter and student can trace it

Sight word -” I”sheet

Writing - Complete the additional “m” sheet color each picture that’s name begins with the m sound - turn in under Fundations


10/14 Math 1.11 in Google Classroom

10/14 Math 1.11

Math Practice and problem solving: construct arguments
I will be able to use math to explain what I know about counting.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 67-70
Optional - HW pages 71-72
Only turn in pages 69 & 70


10/13 Fundations  in Google Classroom

10/13 Fundations

See directions on the link below.


10/13 ELA in Google Classroom

10/13 ELA

Lesson 3

Journeys ELA work
If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook
pages 18, 21, 25, 27, 28,4,6, 73
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 28-29 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
Baby Bears’s Family p30-33 and The Party p 34-37

10/13 Tuesday
Please read I Have a Pet on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete New Pet sheet - draw a picture of your pet or a pet you would like to have - label it then color it
Writing - Complete the additional “n” sheet write n if the picture name begins with the n sound
Sight word -” I ”sheet


10/13 Math 1.10 in Google Classroom

10/13 Math 1.10

I can count up to the number 5.
Using counters cubes or number cards I will understand there is a specific order to the set of whole numbers.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 61-64
Optional HW pages 65-66
Only turn in pages 61 & 64


10/9 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/9 Fundations

Follow along with the video,, you will need your letter tiles and board
complete letter sound sheets for b and f


10/9 ELA in Google Classroom

10/9 ELA

10/9 Friday
Please reread How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete thePerformance Task Craftivity draw a picture of what happened when the dinosaurs did not follow the rules

Letter “B” sheet Letter “F” sheet Please turn into Fundations


10/9 Math 10.9 in Google Classroom

10/9 Math 10.9

I can recognize 5 objects in different arrangements.
Using counters I can show groups of 5 in different ways.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 55-58
Optional - HW pages 59-60
Only turn in pages 55 & 58


10/8 Math 10.8 in Google Classroom

10/8 Math 10.8

I can read and write the number 0
I will be able to read and write the number zero when there are no objects.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 49-52
Optional - HW pages 53-54
Only turn in pages 49 & 52


10/8 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/8 Fundations

Review grid line and pencil grip for proper letter formation
Phonological and phonemic awareness for letters t,b,f
Practice using grid lines, proper pencil grip for skywriting. Please follow along with the instructional video lesson.
You will need your dry erase card and marker

On the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook trace and write the letter f four times on each line starting at the dot.
On the right hand side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter f four times on each line


10/8 ELA in Google Classroom

10/8 ELA

10/8 Thursday
Please reread How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete sheet -I Can Explain How Characters Act in a Story
draw to show how the characters change and dictate to your adult one to 3 words that explain that change
Complete the Letter “f” sheet - Say the name of the picture, if you here the sound/f? Ate beginning write f and color the picture , do not think about ending sounds yet
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


10/7 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/7 Fundations

See link below


10/7 ELA  in Google Classroom

10/7 ELA

10/7 Wednesday
Please reread a portion of How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
When reading the story think of words that mean the opposite of things the dinosaurs are doing.
Competel - I Can Find Antonyms - Color the sets that are antonyms
Complete the Letter “b” sheet

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


10/7 Math 1.7 in Google Classroom

10/7 Math 1.7

I can identify the number 0
I will be able to use zero when there are no objects.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 43-46
Optional - HW pages 47-48
Only turn in pages 43 & 46


10/6 Math 1.6 in Google Classroom

10/6 Math 1.6

I can read and write the numbers 4 and 5.
Using number cards I can read and write numbers 4 and 5.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 37-40
Optional - HW pages 41-42

Only turn in pages 37 & 40


10/6 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/6 Fundations

Review grid line and pencil grip for proper letter formation
Phonological and phonemic awareness for letters t,b,f

Introducing Letter KeyWord Sound Drills (we do not have the books , she uses in the vide.
Sky Write Letter formation

Practice using grid lines, proper pencil grip for skywriting. Please follow along with the instructional video lesson.
You will need your letter tiles tomorrow pictured below - I sebt home to you 2 laminated pages , cut out the colored tiles t, b, f - you can use elcro dots to adherethe 3 letters to the white page with the alphabet on it in a grid

Find or draw pictures of items that start with the sound of f and glue on the left side of the page in your small green writing notebook.
On the right side of the page trace and write your first and last name twice then trace and write the letter f four times.


10/6 ELA in Google Classroom

10/6 ELA

10/6 Tuesday
Please reread How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete School sheet - draw a picture of what you love about school and label it then color it
Complete the Letter “f” sheet

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 13,16 WTK2, WTK6, 78, 83
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 18-19 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
We go to School p20-23 and I Like p 24-27 l


10/5 ELA in Google Classroom

10/5 ELA

Week of 10/5-10/9
Journeys ELA work

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 13,16 WTK2, WTK6, 78, 83
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below Review pages 18-19 Read (Look at the pictures and talk about the story)
We go to School p20-23 and I Like p 24-27 l

10/5 Monday
Please read How Do Dinosaurs Go To School on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Complete Rules sheet - draw a picture of you following a rule - Label yourself
Complete the Letter “b” sheet


10/5 Math 1.5 in Google Classroom

10/5 Math 1.5

I can recognize 4 and 5 objects in different arrangements.
Using counters and number cards I can show groups of 4 and 5 in different ways.
Watch the Video to help you with the lesson.
Complete classwork pages 31-34
Optional - HW pages 35-36
Only turn in pages 31 and 34


Lets Find out in Google Classroom

Lets Find out

Complete and submit the show what you know comprehension worksheet for science

Here are optional activities to go with the Scholastic News article for this week and next week
You need to click log in then as a student and you should be able get the link our code is Behr140
There are links to a video, dance break, online game, and hands on arts and craft


10/2 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/2 Fundations

Directions are on the link below.


10/2 Math in Google Classroom

10/2 Math

I can count 4 and 5 objects.
Using counters I can count groups of 4 or 5.
Watch the Video for a complete guided lesson if you missed the meet
Complete classwork pages 25-28
Optional - HW pages 29-30
Only turn in pages 25 & 28


10/2 ELA Journeys in Google Classroom

10/2 ELA Journeys

10/2 Friday
Please reread What Makes a Family on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
When you read think of things that are nouns, (person , place, or thing), point them out how sheet

Complete the I can write nouns - explain that a noun is a person, place or thing,
Read the words under each picture to your child. If they can have them write the appropriate noun on the line under the picture. If they can not print, please have them draw a line from the picture on the bottom to the word that describes that noun.


10/1 Fundations in Google Classroom

10/1 Fundations

Directions are on the link below. Unit 1 Week 1 Day 1
The Alphabet Cartoon is just for fun, we might play it during breakfast or lunch.


10/1 ELA Journeys in Google Classroom

10/1 ELA Journeys

10/1 Thursday
Please reread a portion of What Makes a Family on this Think Central link, look for or think about rhyming words

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete - I Can Find Rhyming Words - Look at the picture in the first column and say the word. Then color all of the pictures in that line that rhyme with that word.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


10/1 Math in Google Classroom

10/1 Math

I can read and write 1, 2 and 3.
Using number cards I can read and write numbers 1, 2 and 3.
You can watch the video for a complete guided lesson if you missed the meeting
Complete classwork pages 19-22
Optional - HW pages 23-24
Only turn in pages 19 & 22


9/30 Fundations in Google Classroom

9/30 Fundations

follow along with the link below - there is a video and informational packet/poster


9/30 ELA Journeys in Google Classroom

9/30 ELA Journeys

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 2,5,8
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below
Review pages 8-9 Read (look at and talk about the picturesSee What we can Do p10-13 and WeCan Make it p 14-17

9/30 Wednesday
Please reread What Makes a Family on this Think Central link,

If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link

Complete - I Can Find Main Idea Draw a picture to show what makes a family special
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product


9/30 Math in Google Classroom

9/30 Math

I can recogn ize 1, 2 and 3 objects in different arrangements.
Using counters I can show groups of 1, 2 or 3 in different ways.
you can use the link below for a complete guided lesson if you missed the meet
Complete classwork pages 13-16
Optional - HW pages 17-18
Only turn in pages 13 & 16


9/29 ELA Journeys in Google Classroom

9/29 ELA Journeys

If you need additional work you can do the pages in the Journeys Reader’s Notebook pages 2,5,8
Log on to Think Central Journeys Reader. Or use link below
Review pages 8-9 Read (look at and talk about the picturesSee What we can Do p10-13 and WeCan Make it p 14-17

9/29 Tuesday
Please read What Makes a Family on this Think Central link,
If you do not have an adult to read with you you can listen to the story being read to you on this youtube link
Competel My Family sheet - draw a picture of your family and color it

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


9/29 Fundations in Google Classroom

9/29 Fundations

follow along with the link below - there is a video and informational packet/poster


9/29 Math in Google Classroom

9/29 Math

I can count 1, 2 and 3 objects.
Using counters I can show groups of 1, 2 or 3.
you can use the link below for a complete guided lesson if you missed the meet
Complete classwork pages 1-10

Optional HW pages 11-12
Only turn in pages 7 & 10


9/25 Fundations in Google Classroom

9/25 Fundations

We will use the Fundtions dry erase tablet, You will need your markers and an eraser(sock)
We will also use the page in the packet with the fundations lines dated 9/25 we will NOT practice our name on it. We will practice following the fundation lines.
Also please bring one of the name pratice pages - with the dotted name.
We will do this together in class.


9/25Math in Google Classroom


Complete Identifying Numbers Worksheet and Color Numbers Worksheet
Upload when done please


9/25  Kindergarten Rocks  in Google Classroom

9/25 Kindergarten Rocks

Please read Kindergarten Rocks, if you have it or follow along with this youtube video

Complete the Reading Response, (name on top) Draw a picture of how Dexter felt in the beginning and how he felt at the end of the story.
Please use the Fundations sheet to practice writing your first and last name 3 times.(parents may have to highlight and students can trace please try to use proper letter formation for your child to trace).
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


9/24 Math in Google Classroom

9/24 Math

Complete Math Numbers Worksheet for Kids and Back to School Counting
upload when done please


9/24  David Goes To School in Google Classroom

9/24 David Goes To School

Please read David Goes to School, if you have it or follow along with this YouTube video
Complete the Reading Response, (name on top and response on the bottom) and the craft. You can color or use construction paper and glue to the template.
Please use the Fundations sheet to practice writing your first and last name 3 times.(parents may have to highlight and students can trace please try to use proper letter formation for your child to trace).
When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


Fundations 9/24 in Google Classroom

Fundations 9/24

We will use the Fundtions dry erase tablet, You will need your markers and an eraser(sock)
We will also use the page in the packet with the fundations lines dated 9/24 You will practice writing your name. We will do this together in class.
If you miss the meet follow along with orentation video 2


9/23 in Google Classroom


Complete Worksheet - Numbers and Back to School Counting
Upload when done


Fundations Orentation  in Google Classroom

Fundations Orentation

We will use the Fundtions dry erase tablet, You will need your markers and an eraser(sock)
We will also use the page in the packet with the Fundations lines dated 9/23 You will practice writing your name. We will do this together in class.

Please use the Fundations sheet to practice writing your first and last name 3 times.(parents may have to highlight and students can trace please try to use proper letter formation for your child to trace).

If you miss the meet follow along with orientation video 1


9/23 Pete the Cat in Google Classroom

9/23 Pete the Cat

We will do these activities together at 11:50 today
Please read Pete the Cat - Rocking in My School Shoes, if you have it or follow along with this YouTube video

Complete the Reading Response, (name on top and response on the bottom) and the craft

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.


9/22 ELA Wemberly Worried in Google Classroom

9/22 ELA Wemberly Worried

Please read Wemberly Worried if you have it or follow along with this YouTube video

Complete the Wemberly Worried worksheet and craftivity, your child can dictate the response to you or you can highlight it and they can trace your words

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.‘


9/21 ELA -The Kissing Hand in Google Classroom

9/21 ELA -The Kissing Hand

Please read The Kissing Hand if you have it or follow along with this YouTube video

Complete the Kissing hand worksheet , either by coloring in the hand or painting our hand and putting it in the space provided - we add a heart to the middle.

Complete the “First Day of Kindergarten Self Portrait” (children should draw and color on their own as we use this at the end of the year to see growth)
Complete the First Day headband together. Please send a picture of your child wearing their headband when done so I will have it for the end of year video.

When you have completed the assignments upload or scan the finished product.‘